This Time Its Real. 18-22

Chapter 18

“Aw, shit,” Gunn quickly looked around the room for any signs of Cordelia.

“Where did she go,” Angel stalked up to Wesley.

The former watcher stood rubbing his face. “I don’t know, Angel.”

Angel’s dark gaze bore into the man prepared to find fault with him.

“Angel, Wesley didn’t do anything,” Fred twisted her hands. “Cordy was just sitting there. Maybe she went out for some fresh air or something.”

“Yeah, right.” Xander answered. “Nothing like a midnight stroll on the Hellmouth, it can be so relaxing.”

“She took her sword.” Gunn called from the counter.

Angel’s low growl vibrated in his chest and throat. “Phone.” He held out his hand to Fred.

“Angel…” Fred bit her lip, shrugging, holding her palms up to the air. “It’s……at the house.”

Angel narrowed his eyes, growled again and turned to Wesley. “Phone.”

Wesley pulled out his cell phone and handed it to the vampire without a word. Angel nodded and headed for the door.

“Man, I’m with you.” Gunn picked up his axe.

“I’ll find her.” Angel disappeared into the night.

“I guess that was a no, then.” Gunn put the axe down.

“Wesley, we should keep on…” Fred pointed to the books.

Wesley just stared at the door praying that nothing happened to Cordelia. Angel already blamed the former watcher for the young woman’s death that wouldn’t have a chance of changing if anything else happened.

And the thing was, Angel with all his anger, couldn’t blame Wesley more than the former watcher blamed himself.

“Wesley,” Fred called again.

“Dawg Wes, Cordy said she needed your brains, so get brainin.” Gunn called. “Angel will call if he needs us.”

‘Us’. Wesley studied the black man. Gunn was including him. Wesley studied the two people that along with Angel, Connor and Cordelia once comprised his family. They’re expressions weren’t condemning.

They hadn’t been since they all left Caritas together with Cordelia. They were opening the door to him. Wesley nodded taking the chance.

Crystal tugged at Wesley’s arm. “Is he always like this?”

Wesley adjusted his glasses. “Excuse me?”

“Angel- is he always so scary?”

“Oh no, Angel’s not scary, he’s sweet.” Fred went to reassure the young demon.

Even Gunn and Wesley’s jaws dropped at Fred’s comment. “What? He is. It’s just well you know, he gets….”

“Angry, scary and frequently violent when Connor or Cordelia are threatened.” Wesley finished for Fred, his voice free from any bitterness. It was the truth.

Fred shrugged, pushing at her glasses. “Like I said, it’s sweet how protective he is over them. Connor is his son and well..Cordy…well they have Kye-rumption.”

Wesley returned to his books and Gunn to his game knowing already where Fred was going. They both had heard it enough and didn’t need to be convinced.

“Kye-rumption?” Crystal asked.

“Kye-rumption, when two great heroes meet on the field of battle and recognize their mutual fate…”

“Sorry, having a hard time imagining Queen Cordy as any type of hero” Xander interrupted.

Xander’s comment brought both Wesley and Gunn’s heads back up. Gunn got ready to cut the young man a new asshole, but noticed Fred’s expression. His girl would take care of it.

“She’s a hero- all with the visions and the courage and it’s Princess not Queen.” She snapped.

“Cordy saved my life. She’s brave and she said she helped them,” pointing to Wesley, Gunn and Fred, “help the helpless- and Angel too. She is a hero.” Crystal shot daggers at Xander.

Fred smiled at the young demon. At that moment, Fred really liked Crystal. She was smart.

Xander stepped back warding off the women’s glares with his hands. “Fine, fine, Cordy’s turned into Wonder Woman… but two heroes, fated, not that I’m big fan but that’s Buffy and Angel’s twisted star crossed story, believe me I wish it wasn’t.”

Fred returned her glare to the young man. “You’ve never seen Angel and Cordy spar. Kye-rumption and MORIA. That’s the gut physical attraction between two larger than life souls. Angel and Cordy love each other, it’s destiny.” Fred claimed it utter confidence and belief.

At that moment, Buffy really hated Fred.

Chapter 19

“Lorne,” Angel said into the phone.

“Angelcakes, hello, no luck yet on the info gathering.”

“Have you heard from Cordy?”

“We’ve lost the princess again?”

“I’ll find her. Call if you hear anything. I’ve got Wesley’s phone.”

“Sure, lets try to keep this one in one piece okay, Angelcakes.”

Angel growled.

The vampire tried to think. Xander was right; Cordelia wouldn’t just go wandering out for a sight seeing tour of Sunnydale. Angel couldn’t imagine one place that Cordelia would want to revisit. There wasn’t much that she liked in her hometown. But she was on foot and somewhere with her sword.

Angel started his car. If Cordy had a vision and didn’t tell him or decided to go back to the portals by herself he would kill her.


Cordelia stood outside the house. She could see Lorne through the kitchen window. Cordelia didn’t feel like being x-rayed from the inside out. Her eyes turned upwards to the darkened windows of the second floor.

It was a pretty good guess that room with the choo choo train curtains was Connor’s. Cordelia just hoped that the window wasn’t locked; she really didn’t want to break it. Cordelia’s body rose in the air.


Angel stalked around the cavern, his eyes narrowing every once in awhile at the sparks of electricity emitting from the swirling black voids, trying to damn them back to their hell dimension with the force of his will.

He growled as the swirling voids just crackled in response.

Angel jerked away disgusted. There was no sign of Cordelia. The only positive was the vortexes didn’t look big enough to suck anything in them but air and insects. Angel felt slightly more assured that she hadn’t disappeared into another dimension.

But where was she?


Lorne hummed to himself as he waited for someone, anyone to answer the phone. Angel was asking the impossible. His contacts just didn’t like phones.

Lorne hung up. Connor was crying again. Angel had been right. The little cutie pie couldn’t stay asleep. Lorne pushed his body from the chair, preparing another melody for the child. He stopped as the baby monitor spoke words of faith being restored and music that could lighten a sorry soul.


“Hi, honey.”

Lorne sat back down and picked up the phone.


Angel answered on the first ring.

“Angelcakes, she’s here.”

“Let me talk to her,” Angel growled in relief.

“She’s a tad busy and I don’t want to disturb her.”

“I don’t care.”

“Yes, actually you do, believe me crumbcake you don’t want me to disturb her and the little one definitely doesn’t want me to.”

“She’s with Connor.”

“Mama’s with her baby. What’s missing from the picture, daddykins?”

Lorne looked at the phone, listening to the dial tone. Looked like Angel got that one right on the first try.

Chapter 20

“Wow, look at you. You’ve gotten so big.” Cordelia leaned over the crib.

“Mama,” Connor pulled his awkward chubby body up on the rails, his hand waving at Cordelia.

Cordelia caught the little hand bringing it to her lips. “I wish, honey, I wish,” smiling sadly. “Shouldn’t you be asleep? Not tired? I’m tired. Hey, I can float. Watch.”

Connor giggled as Cordelia raised a few feet in the air. “Cool, uh. Much better than last time. Oh, Connor, I missed you,” putting her feet back on the ground, reaching into the crib to pick the baby up. “Wow, not only big, but heavy.”

Cordelia rubbed her tear stained face against the small child’s head. “What? Was that a yawn? I think it was. Come on, baby, let’s just lie down for a little while for some major baby snuggles. How about that?”

Cordelia curled her body around Connor. The small boy clutched on to Cordelia telling her everything in the secret language of babies, smiling as his eyes fluttered close. “Sleep, baby,” Cordelia yawned and squirmed deeper in the softness of the bed.


Angel said nothing to Lorne as he took the stairs two at a time, pausing only when he got to the door of Connor’s room. He was about to call out for Cordelia but stopped, her name choked in his throat. Angel stared. If he tried he could almost imagine that they were back in his suite in the Hyperion before everything went so horribly wrong.

Angel moved quietly not wanting to disturb either one. He couldn’t risk that a wide-awake Cordelia would push him away again. Say things that he didn’t want to hear and wouldn’t believe. This is what Angel would believe in, Connor and Cordelia, together, alive and with him.

The vampire dropped his coat on the chair and lay down next to Cordelia. He tensed as the young woman murmured and moved. Still sleeping, Cordelia scooted towards Angel’s body. Angel relaxed, gently pulling Cordelia and Connor into his embrace. Angel closed his eyes allowing the smells and sounds of the precious lives around him lull him to sleep.

Cordelia stirred, feeling the hard big body behind her. She should get up and leave. She curled in closer pulling Angel’s arm tighter around her. She sighed as she felt his face nuzzle into her neck. Cordelia’s hand fluttered over Connor’s pouchy belly. Cordelia ignored the warnings of her waking brain and went back to sleep finding the peace and contentment that should’ve been only promised by heaven.


Lorne gave a silent prayer that the Powers knew what they were doing. With one last look at the small family on the bed, Lorne closed the door.

Chapter 21

Buffy’s heart fluttered in hopeful beats. Angel’s car was there. That meant the vampire was there.

She had been worried when Angel or Cordelia hadn’t returned. She had wanted to slap Fred again, when the young woman had pooh ha’d her concerns, saying that she was sure that Angel had found Cordelia. If Angel hadn’t by now, he would’ve called for help.

No, Fred was confident that they were somewhere together talking and stuff. It was the ‘stuff’ part that had put an ache in Buffy’s chest.

But Angel was home, which meant that he hadn’t left her and he wasn’t off doing ‘stuff’ with Cordelia. Buffy ran past Willow and Dawn to get in the house. Maybe, Angel had listened to her and realized that she was right.

Buffy looked around the darkened living room. No vampire, just a demon sleeping on the couch. She ran upstairs, Willow and Dawn followed more slowly.

Angel wasn’t in their bedroom. She turned immediately to Connor’s room. Buffy stumbled back as she saw the sight before her. She couldn’t recognize the beauty of the scene all she saw was her pain and rage. Angel had left her; he just hadn’t left the house.

Buffy’s anger boiled. This was her house Angel was her boyfriend. That was her life that she saw on that small bed. Cordelia had no business being there, not with Angel’s body wrapped protectively around her and the small child.


Angel immediately rolled off the bed placing his body in between Cordelia and Connor and whatever threat that had awoken him.

Cordelia jumped up cradling Connor trying to soothe his cries.

“Get out,” Buffy repeated her eyes on Cordelia. “You don’t belong here.”

“Buffy, “ Willow pulled at the slayer.

Cordelia blinked biting down her retort. Buffy was right she didn’t. Cordelia nodded.

“Shh, honey.” Cordelia placed Connor back in his crib. “Shh,”

“GET Out.”

“Buffy,” Angel said moving to block the slayer’s path towards Cordelia and Connor.

Cordelia swung around. “Stop yelling. You’re upsetting Connor with your bellowing. I’ll leave, but not until he stops crying. So shut up.”

Buffy looked at the red-faced teary-eyed little boy. God, she wished the baby would stop crying ‘mama’ and reaching for Cordelia. It was unbearable.

“Buffy, go.” Angel said.

“This is my house.” Her eyes blazed.

“Yes, it is and we will leave as soon as you get out of this room,” Angel pushed the blonde woman, shutting the door with a slam.

Buffy stared. She let Willow and Dawn drag her back into her own bedroom and lead her to the bed. She blinked up at her friend and sister.

“Oh god, what did I just do?” Covering her tears with her hands. Willow and Dawn slumped down on either side of Buffy holding the sobbing young woman.


Cordelia leaned up as soon Connor cries had diminished to short little gasps, his tiny fist shoved in his mouth, his bleary wide eyes still fixed on Cordelia. “Honey, it’s okay.” She watched as Angel stuffed Connor’s baby bag.

“Angel, it’s late. Connor’s tired. Stay with him, here. Buffy only wants me gone not you and Connor. Angel,” She said again as the vampire kept packing. “Angel, she’s right- I don’t belong here.”

Angel raised his dark eyes, the silence and intensity of his stare was deafening. “Yes, but neither do Connor and I. So, we’re all going,” finally speaking.

“Angel,” she paused at the knock on the door.

“Angelcakes, Princess.”

Angel jerked open the door throwing the baby bag in Lorne’s arms.

“We’re leaving then?” Lorne readjusted his hold on the bag and took another bag from Angel.


“Could see that one coming,” Lorne spared a glance for Cordelia. “Princess, careful your soul’s showing.” The demon left the room carrying his burdens to Angel’s car.

Cordelia’s gaze followed the demon out the door only to be dragged back to Angel’s dark eyes.

Cordelia blinked and picked up Connor. “So, where exactly are we supposed to go at this time of night,” refusing to acknowledge Lorne’s parting remark or the silent tears welling up in her hazel eyes.


“Fine, but it better have room service.” Cordelia strode past the vampire to follow Lorne.


Lorne softly hummed to Connor, lulling the baby back to sleep. “Spoke to Gunn, they’re camping out at the Magic Shoppe. How about dropping the little one and me there, you kiddies need to have a talk. And then maybe, Princess you can tell all of us what the Powers are really up to.”

“I told you.” Cordelia stared out the window.

“Righto, except the part where your soul isn’t residing in heaven but swirling around in a broken live color show right here on earth.”

“Shut up, Lorne.”

“Nifty new power, but you need to practice more,” ignoring Cordelia’s demand.

Cordelia didn’t even bother to glare; she just curled her body up against the side of the car door. Wishing that she had resisted the impulse to see Connor or at least had listened to the warnings that had gone off when she realized that Angel had joined them in their sleep.

Angel said nothing, but turned down the street that led to the Magic Shoppe. His only thoughts were that he was going to get the truth out of Cordelia if he had to lock her up and keep her there until after the world ended.

Chapter 22

Cordelia stayed in the car while Angel got them a room. So much for room service. Oh, she didn’t care. All she wanted to do was run and hide from the vampire. The only problem was she knew it was too late. Angel hadn’t said a word to her since they left Buffy’s.

Cordelia wished that she could believe it was because the vampire hadn’t understood Lorne’s ‘soul’ statements. Cordelia damned herself for being weak. But, another part was grateful that Angel would force her the truth out of her. Cordelia really wanted his arms around her. It’s the only place that Cordelia truly felt safe.

Cordelia glanced around the dingy room, not really seeing anything. She sat on the bed, her elbow on her knees, studying the ugly dull pattern of the bedspread and waited. She flinched as she heard the door lock. Cordelia half expected to hear the broken old dresser being shoved against the only means of escape.

Cordelia didn’t want angry Angel; she wanted the vampire that had held her and Connor. No, she didn’t want that one either. Cordelia bit her lips looking at the vampire, focusing on the mouth that cut into a straight angry line. Cordelia wanted the one that would kiss her and make love to her.

Cordelia was no longer fearful of a broken babbling champion. Angel was safe from the visions. Crystal was red marked for that fated smackroo. Hell, even if there was a risk, Cordelia might chance it.

The heat that was growing in her belly was slowly taking form as slick moisture pooling between her legs. Cordelia squirmed. She didn’t have a clue if the onslaught was due from her finally allowing the acknowledgment of the realization that had hit her like a ton of bricks when Angel first held on to her so desperately or was it just a condemned man’s last grasp for a piece of life before the cries ‘dead man walking’ pounded in his brain causing him to go numb, or was it both.

Cordelia didn’t know, all she knew was at that very moment she wanted Angel with a longing she only read about it in bad romance novels. Who knew that desire that ripped at your nerves, boiled your blood and made you dizzy was real. Cordelia sighed.

She wasn’t going to get that Angel, not until she experienced angry Angel. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be for long. She wouldn’t fight him, so maybe it wouldn’t be. Cordelia waited for Angel to speak.

“You’re not dead.” Angel had never believed it, but now he had proof. Cordelia had lied.

Cordelia took a deep breath. “No.” she said in a small voice.

Angel stopped the growl that was forming. He had expected Cordelia to try to keep up the pretense.

“Why? Cordelia, look at me. Why, did you lie?”

Cordelia gave a long slow blink up to the vampire. “I though it would be easier.”

“Easier? Easier for who?”

Cordelia looked away. “For me, for you, for everyone.”

“That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Maybe.” Cordelia was so damn tired and she wanted him so much. “But, the lie doesn’t change anything, Angel. The Powers didn’t give me a second chance. I’m alive only because I screwed up.”


“I was your seer, I was supposed to give my vision to someone before I died. I didn’t. It didn’t seem to matter to them that I didn’t know the rules or that there wasn’t exactly anybody around on Quor-toth to kiss,” she grumbled. “Like I would’ve kissed the demon that was trying to kill Connor. Great seer, it would’ve made. Geez,” rubbing her red eyes.

“You’re my seer, you had a vision.”

“Only to start the end of the world battle. Once done, I’m dead again after I transfer the visions to Crystal. But this time, Skip says I’ll get to go to heaven.”

“You weren’t in heaven? You lied about that too?” Angel turned suddenly. “Why weren’t you in heaven? You didn’t go to hell, you couldn’t have. I knew I should’ve made Willow do the spell.” Angel stood stunned from visions of Cordelia battling the horrors of hell. The Powers couldn’t have sent her there. She was a seer and champion. She was a heart full of goodness and love. They couldn’t have.

“No, Angel you shouldn’t have. And I wasn’t in hell, just limbo. Boring place.” Cordelia wished Angel would stop wearing a hole in the carpet or glaring and just kiss her. But at least he wasn’t growling anymore.

Angel’s renewed pacing stopped. “Tell me exactly what happened from the begining.”

Cordelia was lost in wonderings. What would Angel’s kisses feel like? Would they be different when she wasn’t possessed or completely clueless as to what he really meant to her. Would the knowledge of love make them even better?

“Tell me.” Angel said again.

Cordelia blinked up bringing her hand down from her lips. What had Angel growled?

“Tell me,” this time even louder.

“I’m talking aren’t I, Geez.” Cordelia said in a building frustration. Cordelia dragged her hands once more across her face and told the vampire everything.

Angel sat on the bed as he listened. He stood up as soon as she stopped.

“You won’t give your visions to anyone and I’m not going back to LA. We’re taking Connor and leaving tonight for anywhere other than the Hellmouth or LA.”

“Angel, end of the world, your mission?” God, Angel was so stubborn.

“The world never ends and fuck my mission. You’re alive and you’re going to stay alive.”

“Angel, the Powers aren’t just going to let me stay alive because we refuse to do what they want. My fate is done- yours isn’t. You need to go back to LA. You need a new seer so your soul can be redeemed. Bigger picture, here, buster.”



“No. I won’t give you back.”

“You don’t have a choice on that issue, Angel, neither do I. Skip says I won’t go to hell but that may change if I turn away from what they want.”

Cordelia saw the rage in the vampire build back up. Something in the room was about to be destroyed and it would take even longer for him to touch her. She had to end this somehow.

“Angel, the Power’s didn’t take me away from you and they’re not keeping me away. I died because I just did. I saw a way to save Connor and I took it. It was worth it, Angel. I don’t regret it and I would do it again.” Cordelia paused, taking an exhausted frustrated breath.

“It’s just now the knowing- knowing that I’m going to die, the knowing that you love me, seeing my family, feeling their love….I had to lie, Angel, I thought keeping everyone away would make it easier. But it hasn’t, it just makes me mad and scared, but mainly just tired,” and incredibly horny she wanted to add.

“Angel, I don’t want to die again. I don’t want to leave you and Connor. But, I’m going to have to.”

Cordelia’s eyes rose to the pacing vampire, her voice soft. “Please, Angel, I’ve wasted enough time. Don’t you waste more by being angry. We don’t have a future, but we can have now. Just love me, please.”

Angel stopped. The rage or the thoughts on how to prevent all that Cordelia had said didn’t disappear, but they were stalled and pushed aside as he heard her plea. Angel was on the bed in an instant, his arms engulfing the young woman, his lips descending on her face and mouth.

Angel drank at her lips as a man who had been traveling a desert dying, finally stumbling on a life giving spring. Cordelia’s lips attached on Angel’s giving and taking with the same need. Angel moved quickly, his hands raising and pulling her clothes away. He needed to lose his senses in the body under him. Angel leaned up, his eyes caressing every inch of the beautiful woman, slowly his fingers reached out to touch the path that his eyes had made.

Cordelia gasped at the chills that covered her body at his every touch. She pressed his hand closer into the soft flesh of her breast, the other hand reaching up to brush the strong planes of his face, gently tracing the full lips closed in concentration.

“It’s about damn time. Good thing about that pesky soul being bound, uh,” she said softly, jerking as Angel’s wide thumb stroked at the hardened tip of her breast.

Angel leaned further up, his thumb leaving her nipple to begin wide caresses along the length of her body. For a brief insane moment, Angel thought about it. Angelus would never let anyone or anything take this body from him. Angel knew that it was his soul that loved Cordelia beyond thought itself, just as he knew that his demon needed her scent as a mortal needed to breathe.

Angelus wouldn’t kill her and the torture, pain and terror would only take as long as…Angel closed his eyes, Cordelia couldn’t be turned she already had her demon. The insane thought fled as quickly as it had come. Angelus wasn’t even a possibility in this lovemaking.

God, Angel wished he could bury himself in Cordelia’s body with joy. But, to do that he would have to be oblivious of everything Cordelia had said. He would have to be able to touch her and see dreams and hope, not the specter of broken dreams and promises. And while, Angel refused to accept that Cordelia’s fate was already decided, he couldn’t forget it.

He would do what Cordelia asked and not waste anymore time. Then he would find a solution. Angel would find his hope and then he would have his joy. But for right now, he would just love the woman he needed to live.

Angel’s lips reached for the trail that his hands had left. Angel’s mouth moved with an urgency, kissing, tasting, and swallowing. There had to be a way to take Cordelia fully into his body, to keep her there safe with him always. In a frantic push, Angel grabbed at his clothes ripping them away. He had to feel her warm ALIVE flesh up against his.

Cordelia moaned clutching on Angel’s shoulders as he thrust into her, claiming her to her core. Her long legs tightened, her hips jerking closer, her inner walls squeezing, her body doing everything to keep the vampire inside her, bringing him even deeper.

“I love you,” whimpering, Cordelia’s teeth clamping down on the cool flesh.

Angel growled wanting to cry out at the unfairness of it all. Words that should have brought his dead heart alive did nothing but make him move faster, burrow deeper, clutch tighter in desperate need to make this real and forever.

Cordelia’s nails pierced into the hard muscles that tensed and strained above her. Cordelia wanted to run her hands all over the cool skin but she had to hold on, so her lips did what her hands couldn’t. Her frantic kisses touched everywhere they could reach, her voice leaving moist low gasps along Angel’s chest and neck. Cordelia cried out as her body tensed pushed to the edge.

Angel cupped Cordelia’s ass jamming her hips while he thrust forcefully, pushing her the rest of the way. Angel caught her scream as her inner walls contracted rapidly around him, her body refusing to be alone in its release. Angel growled, this time Cordelia reached up pulling his lips and head back down. Angel tensed, his body shuddering as the warm depths squeezed and released, pumping until he exploded. Angel’s body continued to twitch and jerk as his dead seed filled Cordelia. He could almost imagine the cold lifeless semen coming to life warmed by the heat of Cordelia’s womb.

Their bodies lay tightly intertwined, still connected. Angel’s hands began to move again as the moist tears on Cordelia’s cheek rubbed and burnt his chest.

“Cordy,” Angel had to tell her that everything would be all right. This was forever.

“Shh, Angel,” whispering, her body now rubbing along Angel’s. “Just let me love you.” She leaned up still straddling his body.

“Don’t.” Angel grabbed at her hips refusing to let her break the connection of their bodies. He needed it.

Cordelia sat up further, her hands lightly on his, moving them off her. “I wasn’t planning on it.” Her tears still evident in her hazel eyes but a smile danced on her lips. She brought up his hands kissing each then leaning down taking both to the bed, her lips breezing over his chest, neck and chin, stopping only to take small teasing nicks and bites. Cordelia’s hips moved jerking further into Angel’s groin, her inner muscles claiming his body again.

Sparks teased along Angel as each touch and squeeze pumped life back into his gloved cock. With a groan, he wrapped his hands in her hair pulling Cordelia’s flushed face to his. His mouth swallowed her as his tongue searched to discover every nook and cranny. Angel expanded his fingers trying to grasp as much skin as they could, pressing and kneading along Cordelia’s spine.

Cordelia whimpered arching into his touch, her hips moving now in a rhythm, leading Angel in a slow dance. Angel trailed his hands to the small of her back pressing her closer changing the tempo. Cordelia moved faster, her toes clenched on the bed, her calves and knees scratching along Angel’s hips and side she as rose and fell. With each descent, Cordelia plunged further over Angel, taking him fully into her depths. Angel’s slid his hands around her belly, reveling in the gleam of moisture that covered her firm flesh, staying only for moment before ascending to the heavy full mounds swaying with the rhythm of her movements.

Angel reached up as Cordelia leaned down bringing her breast to his lips.

Cordelia keened as his tongue swirled and lapped at the hard tip of her nipple, she gasped as her hands trailed up his arms to splay against his hard chest. Angel’s lips moved higher resting on the delicate curve under her chin, he jerked and flipped them both. His thrust became deeper finding more purchase in Cordelia’s hidden depths, groans and growls escaping from the cool lips attached to the warm skin.

Cordelia tightened her grip as the spiral in her nerves reached their breaking point. Angel moved his finger to her clit, teasing and pushing with each thrust. Waves of heat and pleasure flowed upward taking Cordelia’s nerves beyond their limits. The pleasure stalled and stretched forcing tears to pool in the corner of her eyes. “Angel,” she whimpered waiting for that final touch that would cause everything to fall crashing down to her toes.

Angel growled giving her what they both needed. His growl became louder forming into a shout of her name as he shuddered collapsing on the soft cushion of Cordelia’s body. Cordelia’s release of breath came out at a strangled cry, her nerves imploding onto themselves. Tears and moist kisses traveled along Angel’s shoulders, chest and neck. Angel jerked to the side, his lips nudging at her until Cordelia raised her head and allowed him to capture her mouth. The kiss was deep, sweet and everything.

“Oh, god I need you, so much” Angel choked into her cheek.

Cordelia lifted the vampire’s head gazing at him with so much love it hurt even more for Angel to see it. “You’ll be okay, I promise.”

“Your promise is to never leave me, that was your promise.” His choked whisper was coated in anger.

Cordelia held him, shaking her head at the flash of gold in his eyes. “I love you.” She said softly, curling her body up against his.

“That was your promise.” Angel whispered again, holding Cordy even tighter. “You promised.” The anger was gone only leaving naked fear that he might not be able to ever have his dream.

Cordelia held him closer, saying nothing. There was nothing more to say.

Chapter 23

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