Baby I’m Back. 7

Part 7

Cordelia walked into the Hyperion. She was about to shout her greeting when she spotted Lorne tied to the red couch. He appeared to be unconscious.


She raced to his side and checked his pulse. It was strong and steady..for a Pylean.

“Welcome to the party, Miss Chase.”

Cordelia’s stomach clenched at the sound of Lilah’s voice. She rose to her feet and turned to face the evil lawyer who’d ordered her dissected. She gasped. “Fred!”

Lilah tightened her grip on the Texan’s hair, a gun aimed at her temple. “I thought you’d never get here.”

Wesley and Gunn exited the office. Their hands were bound behind them but only Gunn was gagged. Each man was being pushed forward by the barrel of a gun.

Cordelia looked at her family then at the people holding them hostage.

“We can’t have a party without the guest of honor.”

Cordy glanced up the stairs.

“Don’t worry. Your vampire’s still upstairs. We haven’t gone near him.”

“What do you want, Lilah?”

“To make you suffer.”

“Please don’t do this Lilah. I’m the one who hurt you. Leave Cordy alone. I’ll do anything.”

“Sorry Wes but it isn’t just about you anymore. We’ve gone way past that. This little bitch is interfering with our plans for Angelus. We’ve been sitting on that soul removal spell for almost a year. We couldn’t risk performing it until we were certain he couldn’t be recursed.”

“What?” It was as he feared but hearing the words spoken was still a shock.

“Sorry Wes ol’ boy but Angel’s gone for good. The only way our spell could be counteracted is for the spell caster or one of her line to revoke it. Twenty minutes after it was cast, the gypsy was killed. Ten minutes after that her entire clan was wiped out. Do you have any idea how expensive it is to have 227 people killed when they’re scattered across the globe?”

Cordelia felt sick. All those people dead. “You’re insane.”

“No. Just thorough. We wanted Angelus around permanently.”

“Mission accomplished. So why are you after me?”

“I admit at first it was because of Wesley. I accepted him loving her.” She yanked hard on Fred’s hair. “But I wasn’t..he just let you..” She shook her head to clear her thoughts.

“After your rescue, I was prepared to let it go. I had more important things to worry about. Thanks to your boyfriend I had to answer to the Senior Partners. They weren’t very happy and Gavin wasn’t around to assume the blame.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“You will be.”

As if appearing from nowhere, Cordelia was grabbed by two vampires.

“Our resident psychics have made a shocking discovery. It seems the Scourge of Europe, the one who WE released, had gone and fallen in love. He is actually considering joining the good fight so he can win the trust of his lady love. That may make for good television but we can’t allow that to happen.”

Cordy struggled against her captors. “If you think killing me will..”

“Who said anything about killing you?”

Now she was really scared. *Spike, where are you?*

“No. Killing you would focus his rage solely at us. What good would that do?”

“None. So why don’t you..”

“Let’s play a game. I’ll make up a scenario and you can guess the outcome. It’ll be fun.” She took a deep breath for a dramatic pause. “Ready? Picture this. Angelus discovers his lady love has been raped and marked by two local vampire leaders while your family watched. Now it’s your turn. What do you think he’ll do?”

“If you think..”

“You could use your powers to save yourself but you’ll be killing your family.”

Lilah’s henchmen forced Gunn and Wesley to their knees.

Cordelia looked into Fred’s terrified eyes. “What do you think this will accomplish?”

“I’m not entirely sure. We haven’t been doing a very good job of predicting Angelus’s behavior thus far. We’ve accepted that he isn’t going to work for us but we cannot allow him to join your team either. As long as he’s killing innocent people and creating mayhem, we’ll be content.” She dragged Fred with her as crossed the room to stand closer to Cordelia.

“I’m guessing that Angelus will be furious when he finds out. He’ll want to kill me but I’ll already be gone. I’m transferring to a branch office. He’ll have to focus his rage elsewhere.” She looked over at Gunn and Wesley.

“I don’t think he’ll want to fight side by side with men who watched his lover be so violated. I mean if it weren’t for them, you would have saved yourself. I predict you’ll never be a big happy family.”

“You sick fucking..”

“Such language from a lady. Let’s get on with this before the blond vampire returns.”

“I thought you said he wasn’t a danger?”

“He can’t hurt me but you’re a vampire. You he can kill.”

“Cordy don’t do this. Save yourself. Please!”

“I don’t have any choice, Wes.” The vampires released her arms. She began unbuttoning her blouse.

“No. You misunderstand. It will be much more entertaining if you struggle but at the first sign of any glowing, you say goodbye to your friend Charles Gunn.”

Cordelia wanted to kill Lilah with her bare hands. She knew she had to play Lilah’s sick game. She only hoped her fighting skills would buy enough time until Spike returned. Her eyes closed for a second. When they opened, her elbow came up and slammed into the vampire on her right.

The fight began. The two vampires tackled her to the ground. She was no match for their combined strength. With no weapons, she found herself quickly pinned to the floor. One vampire kneeled behind her head holding her arms down. The other straddled her waist trapping her lower body.

Her blouse was torn open and her bra ripped to shreds exposing her breasts. She closed her eyes and waited for it to be over. She wouldn’t give Lilah the satisfaction of hearing her scream.

“Someone’s been naughty. There’s a vampire bite on my property.”

“On our property, brother.”

“Sorry Sam. Our property.”

“You’re forgiven Tom.”

“Get on with it!”

Cordelia felt her pants being torn open and roughly pulled off. She tried to kick him away.

Tom caught her foot and spread her legs. “Feisty, isn’t she?” He ripped her panties off. “But she has the prettiest cunt.”

“She’s got a great rack too.”

“Do you mind if I go first?”

“Go ahead. I want to enjoy her ass. I bet she’s still a virgin there.”

Tom shoved her legs up slightly. “I think you’re right. Wanna switch?”

“No way. I already called it.”


Cordelia tried to control her powers. Her abilities were instinctual when it came to self-preservation. She was almost grateful to have something to concentrate on. Her entire body flinched at the sound of a zipper.

The vampire released his erection. “Oh baby do I have a nice surprise for you.”

“Get the fuck away from her!”

Lilah screamed in pain as Angelus crushed her hand. The gun fell to the floor. Fred twisted herself free.

Angelus wrapped his free hand around Lilah’s throat. “Tell the men to drop their weapons.”

She struggled to get her words out. “Drop them”

The men dropped their guns and stepped back. Fred slid a knife across the floor. Gunn picked it up and cut Wes loose.

The vampires watched the men set each other free. “If we’re about to be dusted, I’m going out fucking.” He ignored Angelus’s growl and positioned himself at her opening. He was about to thrust when an arrow pierced his chest.

Sam watched his brother explode into dust. He looked over at the brunette reloading her crossbow. The now released men picked up the discarded weapons and proceeded to knock the henchmen unconscious.

Angelus still had the lawyer by the throat but his enraged eyes were staring at him. He looked down at the sobbing naked girl. His mind made up, he turned and ran. He just made it to the door when the arrow struck. “Fuck!”

Fred dropped the crossbow and scurried over to her friend. Wesley tossed her a throw blanket.

Angelus wrenched Lilah’s head to the side. “You have got to be the stupidest bitch on the face of the planet. You deserve the most painful death I can devise.” He glanced at Cordelia. She had curled into a ball. Her sobs were tearing his heart apart.

“But it’s your lucky day. I don’t have time to waste on you.” He turned her to face him. “We’ll meet again. Send Gavin my best.” He twisted her head a full 180 degrees. The snap echoed through the lobby.

Fred backed away as Angelus approached Cordy. She remained quiet as the soulless vampire gently lifted the trembling woman into his arms. Fred absently noticed his bloodied wrists.

Wesley and Gunn silently watched Angelus carry Cordelia up the stairs, whispering in her ear as they went.

Once they disappeared the events of the evening finally caught up with him. Wesley’s legs gave out. He dropped to his knees. “Oh god”

Gunn moved across the room and pulled Fred into his arms. She buried her face into his chest. “It’s over now.” He glanced up the stairs. “What do we do now?”

“We need to dispose of the bodies. They’re human so we can’t just dump them somewhere.”

“The incinerator?”

“Not hot enough. Their bones won’t burn.”

Fred took a few deep breaths. “I know what to do. Everybody hold onto something bolted to the floor.”

Wes and Gunn, knowing what she planned to do, moved behind the counter. Fred stood on the stairs close to Lilah’s body and held onto the banister. “hrtmph vrkslx tfjbwn kzsgcp”

A portal opened in the floor. Lilah and her two henchmen were sucked into the red swirling whole.

“What the bloody hell is going on here?” Spike was in the doorway clutching a brown paper bag.

“Just getting rid of some garbage. You’d know that if you’d been here.”

“I don’t know if you noticed but they were human. Two of them were still alive.”

“Not for long. Nothing human can survive in the Quod Animo Fingi Non Potest Dimension. It’s a pity Lilah wasn’t still alive. Her death was too quick.”

Spike stared at the brunette. “The lawyer? Who killed her?”


“He’s loose? Where’s Cordy?”

“They’re upstairs. I never thought I’d ever be happy to see Angelus but then I never thought I’d know a human being that made Angelus seem like a choir boy.”

“I don’t know how the vamp got loose but..” Gunn picked up the coffee mug sitting on the counter and threw it against the wall. “All those fucking lawyers need to pay!”

Wesley looked over at where Cordelia had been. “I have never felt so helpless.”

“Will someone please tell me what the fuck happened here?”

Wesley’s haunted eyes locked with Spike’s. “Lilah showed up shortly after you and Cordelia left. She brought two armed men and two vampires with her. She used us to force…Cordelia to allow herself to be..raped and marked by the vampires.”

Spike fell back on the steps. The bag slipped from his hands. “Oh god”

“Fortunately Angelus managed to get loose. He grabbed Lilah right as… if he’d..” He closed his eyes trying to stop the images from replaying in his mind. “Fred dusted the vampires. Gunn and I knocked the gunmen out. Angelus snapped Lilah’s neck then he took Cordy upstairs. Fred was kind enough to dispose of the bodies.”

“How was she?”

“She was pinned to the floor by two vampires. Her clothes were ripped off her body. She had to listen to those fucking monsters politely discuss who got to fuck her where. She’d been a second away from being…penetrated when her family finally managed to help her. How the fuck do you think she is? Where are you going?”

“I have to see her.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Angelus will undoubtedly be feeling extremely protective. She’s in no condition to stop him from killing you right now. He was denied the pleasure of killing those vampires or taking his time in killing Lilah. I believe he’s proven he won’t hurt Cordelia. It’s best we leave them alone for now.”

“I have to see her.”


Spike listened at the door. He could hear her crying. His mind flashed back to that horrible night in Buffy’s bathroom. He promised to protect Cordy. He failed. Spike knocked on the door.

“Go away!”

“It’s me Sire. May I enter?” He waited for permission.

“Come in”

Spike walked in. Cordelia was curled into Angelus’s side. Her body appeared to be naked under the small blanket she was clutching. He lowered his eyes. “I’m sorry Sire.”

“You failed me, boy. Where were you? I trusted you to protect Cordy.”

“Forgive me Sire. I…I went to the liquor store after we killed the demon.”

Angelus growled. “Get out and don’t come back!”

Spike turned to leave.


Spike froze at Cordelia’s soft plea. He heard her sniffling but didn’t look at her.


“No. It wasn’t his fault.”

“He was supposed..”

“It wasn’t his fault.” She tried to control her tears. “No member of our family is to blame for Lilah’s actions. Look at me Spike.” She sighed when he shook his head. “Look at me.”

He lifted his head. Her eyes were swollen and red. He could see some scratches and finger shaped bruises on her arms and shoulders. “I’m so sorry, Luv. I should have been here for you.”

“You couldn’t have known. I didn’t. It’s not your fault. I don’t blame you.” She nudged Angelus. “Tell him it’s not his fault.”


“Fine!” She extracted herself from his arms. “But if you let this tear our family apart then Lilah wins!” She tightened her grip on the blanket. “I need to take a shower.”

Angelus watched his lover storm off. He was glad the trauma hadn’t extinguished her spark. “Spike..”

“I’m sorry. I should have been here.”

“It’s nice to know it only took my girl being nearly raped for you to figure that out.”

“I’ll go”

“No” He stood up. “Cordelia wants you here. She’s been through enough so you’re staying. Go downstairs. No one comes up here but you. She’ll be down when she’s ready.”

“Yes Sire”

“Don’t fail me again!”

“I won’t.”

Angelus waited for Spike to leave before opening the bathroom door. The small room was filled with steam. “Cor?” He pulled the curtain open. She was curled up, her skin raw from the scalding water. He quickly adjusted the temperature. Still clothed, he stepped under the spray and gathered her in his arms.

“I can’t get clean.”

“You were never dirty.”

“But they..they..” She burst into tears. “I’m so sorry.”

“Shh. You have nothing to apologize for. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Please don’t blame our family. I need them. I need you.”

“You have them. You have me. Nobody’s leaving. Spike is downstairs. I told him to keep everyone away until you’re ready to come down.”

“You don’t hate me for letting them..”

“I could never hate you.” He lifted her chin so he could see her eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. “Thank you for saving me. Again.”

“I couldn’t have done it without you.”


“I think your blood made me stronger. I started to struggle when I smelled Lilah enter the hotel. When your scent returned, I ripped the chains apart. I shouldn’t have been strong enough to do that. I had those chains specifically designed to hold me.” He stroked her cheek with his thumb. “I would have chewed my hand off to get to you.”

“Nice imagery.”

“That sounds more like my girl.”

Her eyes filled with tears. “I still feel dirty.”

He picked up a washcloth and her body wash. “I may not be a ghost but let’s see what I can do.”

She felt a smile threaten to form. “I won’t tell Dennis if you don’t.”

“That ghost needs to go into the light.”

Her smile wouldn’t be denied as Angelus gently scrubbed her body.

He did his best to control his desires for the beautiful woman he was bathing. He knew sex was the last thing she needed right now. He was glad his pants covered his erection.

Her eyes drifted shut. His attentions made her feel clean. She rested her forehead against his chest. “Why are you so good to me?”

“Because you’re mine. Mine to love. Mine to protect. I would do anything for you.” He picked up the hand-held nozzle and rinsed her off. “All clean”

Cordelia cupped his cheek. “Thanks to you.” She leaned in and gently placed her lips on his for a chaste kiss.

He smiled at her before turning the water off. He grabbed a towel and dried her off. “Go crawl under the covers. I’ll be there in a minute.”


Once he was alone, he stripped out of his wet clothes and dried off. He willed his body to calm down. Remembering his fear for Cordelia when he finally managed to get downstairs was all it took to squelch his desire. She needed to be held. She needed to feel safe.


Spike slowly descended the stairs. Fred was fussing over the now conscious Lorne. Gunn was digging through the weapons’ cabinet. Wesley was talking on the phone. “Nobody goes upstairs.”

They all silently nodded. In the last couple of days, Cordelia’s life and well being had been threatened and Angelus saved her every time. The vampire, soul or not, was her protector. They chose to be grateful.

They hadn’t saved her. They’d been her Achilles heel.

Part 8

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