40 Nights. 5

Part 5

“Cordelia. I didn’t hear you come in. How was your evening?”

“It was nice. What are you still doing here?”

“I had some research to do.”

“It’s late, Wes. Go home and get some sleep.”

“I will as soon as you tell me about your evening.”

“It was really nice in a totally surreal kind of way.”

“How so?”

“Brian is this wonderful sweet intelligent normal guy. He knows about demons but he’s still completely normal. I never thought that was possible.”

“It is rather difficult.”

“I mean he knows about demons and he’s okay about it. He isn’t freaking out. The big difference is he doesn’t do anything with that knowledge. He doesn’t have any delusions about fighting. I’m not criticizing because most people should stay out of the fight. The only thing they’d end up doing is getting killed. He knows what not to do and he taught his family. They thought he was crazy until he went up for a visit. Lorne told him about a sanctuary in San Francisco. His family got to meet their first demon. Brian tried to tell his friends in LA but they don’t seem to want to know. Every time he starts the subject, they immediately change it. I told him about Sunnydale and how the people there have turned not noticing the stuff going on around them into an art form. They just don’t want to know and you have no choice but to respect that. He worries about his friends. Burying your head in the sand can get you killed. Brian is so sweet, Wes.”

“That’s good, isn’t it?”

“Yes. I… He was practically hanging on my every word. He really listened to me.”

“Again that’s a good thing, isn’t it?”

“Yes but… I don’t know how to date a nice normal guy that knows about demons.”


“Wes, you were never normal and I mean that in the sweetest way possible. I’ve dated the shallow guys who are only interested in themselves and getting me into bed. I’ve dated the quirky loser-type with a heart of gold and a fetish for slayers and nerdy best friends. I’ve fallen for the hero type that sacrifices his life after passing me mind-crunching skull-splitting visions. How do I date a guy like Brian?”

“You just do. I know you’ve been hurt in that past but sometimes you need to take a leap of faith.”

“And you think Brian might be the right guy?”

“I’m hardly prepared to make that conclusion. He seemed nice. What are you looking for?”

“I don’t know. My image of Mr. Right keeps changing. Brian is a really great guy.”

“Then I suggest you give him a chance.”

“You’re probably right. He’s taking me to dinner tomorrow night followed by dancing.”

“You haven’t been dancing in quite some time.”

“I know. He’s pretty wonderful.”

“Then why do you look so melancholy?”

“I don’t know that either. I’m probably just tired. Is my pain in the ass hubby upstairs?”

“Yes. He came in a little while ago.”

“I kept looking over my shoulder expecting to see him.”

“He went patrolling. From the look of him, I’d say he was telling the truth.”

“Was he hurt?”

“Some minor scratches and bruising, they’re probably healed by now.”

“OK. Good night, Wes. Go home.”

“I will. Good night, Cordelia.”


Angel was lying on his back on his side of the bed, his eyes closed. She wondered if he was sleeping. There was no rhythmic rise and fall of his chest to indicate sleep. There was no rapid eye movement to indicate dreaming. She stood by the bed amazed by the recent events in her life.

Angel was in the bed she was about to climb into. He hadn’t moved since she entered his suite. She went about her usual business. She changed into her night clothes, washed her face and brushed her teeth. She was ready for bed.

Cordelia walked out onto the balcony and stared at the city lights. She had hours before she needed to be in that bed. Wesley hadn’t been able to determine if the annulment required they both be asleep at dawn or if they only needed to be in bed together.

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She absently wondered when she’d gotten used to smog-filled air. She wondered if she’d start choking if she ever returned to Sunnydale, not that the air there had been completely clean either. The possibility was another excellent reason never to go back.

She wrapped her arms around her waist. The night air had a chill to it. She’d gotten used to living in the night but there were times when she longed to feel the warmth of the sun on her skin. Giving it up had never felt like a sacrifice, it never even felt like a choice.

It was simply a given. She walked into the night because that was where she was needed. It seemed so surreal for Brian to invite her on a picnic in the park just the two of them. It was so sweet in such an innocent way. She should be smiling uncontrollably at the thought instead of a small wistful smile. Sunlight was what she should long for.

Her heart skipped a beat when soft cashmere touched her skin.

“You looked like you were cold.”

“Thank you.” She slipped her arms into the sweater. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“You didn’t. I wanted to wait up until you came home. I guess I fell asleep.”

She finally turned to face him. “This isn’t home.”

“I know.” He walked over to the edge and stared out into the city. “How was your date?”

She mustered up some enthusiasm. “It was wonderful. Brian is a really nice guy. We had a great time.” She really did have a wonderful time.

“Are you going to see him again?”

“Yes. He’s taking me out for dinner tomorrow night. We just went out for coffee tonight.”

Angel silently turned to leave. He hesitated in the doorway. “Are you coming to bed?”

Her stomach clenched in what she would never willingly describe. “Yes.” Cordelia slowly followed him inside. She adjusted the curtains before climbing into bed.

“Thanks. I was wondering if you opened them so I’d get out of bed right after the sun came up.”

“I would never do that to you.”

“I was only kidding.”

“Oh. I didn’t want to turn on the lights and wake you up so I let the moon help me see. I figured loud cursing would probably wake you up too.”


“Yeah when I bump into things.”

Angel didn’t need moonlight to see. He turned onto his side and stared at her back. Her hair fanned out over her pillow. The covers were only pulled up to her waist. Her t-shirt had ridden up exposing a potion of her tattoo. He breathed her scent in.

“Did you just growl?”


She turned. “I heard you growl.”

“Then why did you ask if I growled?”

“Shut up. Why did you growl?”

He turned his back to her. “I’m not going to hurt you if that’s what you’re thinking. Just go to sleep.” Angel closed his eyes and forced his senses not to notice her scent. She was covered in another man’s scent. He could tell it was innocent but that didn’t comfort him.

Epiphanies aside, he was meant to suffer and he needed to accept that. He wasn’t what Cordelia needed. He was so much less than what she deserved. He wasn’t even what she wanted. She deserved normal.

“Wesley said you went out on patrol.”

“I didn’t follow you.”

“I know. He said you had some scratches and bruises. Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. They’re already healed. Go to sleep.”

“I didn’t mean to bother you with my concern. I’m sorry.” She shook the bed when she flopped onto her other side away from him. “Good night.”


She closed her eyes. If he didn’t want to talk to her, she certainly wasn’t going to waste her time trying. For a brief moment she’d forgotten that they weren’t friends. There was no reason his cold tone should affect her. It didn’t bother her in the least. His earlier concern for her feelings had obviously been for Wesley and Gunn’s benefit.

He wanted to be a part of the group again. He probably figured pretending to be concerned would make him seem like he valued her. *You are so stupid, Cor. When will you ever learn? You aren’t important to him so just deal already.*


Wesley watched Angel leave for another night of patrolling with an increasing sense of concern. Cordelia’s abrasive comments had been replaced by an oppressive silence. Angel’s overeager attempts at friendship had been replaced by inconspicuous glances. Wesley had no idea what had happened between the two.

The atmosphere had been so uncomfortable he had fled to his office to continue his research. The most Angel had spoken during the entire day was what he muttered under his breath when Brian arrived to pick Cordelia up for dinner.

He feared for a repeat of Angel’s beige period. Angel was already beginning to withdraw from the group. Cordelia’s confrontational attitude had actually been a source for hope. He knew her well enough to know that she would eventually say something uncalled for and her remorse would finally kick in, thawing her resolution towards Angel. Silence for Cordelia was never a good sign.

“Wes, is this place gonna be chilly the entire 40 nights? I may have to buy me a sweater.”

“You noticed it too?”

“Hell yeah. I’ve been afraid to speak all day. I finally understood that saying the silence was deafening. What’s up with those two? Cordy didn’t even try to cut the vamp a new one at all today and he didn’t do any begging. Did you find anything in your books?”

“I’m afraid not. Most of the couples who marry in such a way consummate the marriage right away.”

“Makes sense. So what do we do?”

“It may be nothing. They may have had an argument last night about Angel’s behavior. Perhaps this will all blow over once he accepts the idea of her dating Brian.”

“I don’t get that. Why does he care? I mean we were concerned about her too, but we want her to be happy. The guy seems harmless enough. Lorne’s read him.”

“I know. His reservations may be due to her experiences with Xander and Wilson as he inferred, or he may be afraid that Brian, being a normal person, might take her away from here. You know I bet that’s it. If she were to marry a normal human male, she could decide to leave her mission days behind.”

“That’s not Cordy’s style. She wouldn’t walk away. Plus she’s got the visions.”

“Yes but she wouldn’t need to physically be here to relay them to us. She could phone us from her house in the suburbs.”

“I can’t picture Cordy driving the carpool. The people in her visions are too important to her. I mean she might trust us to save them but she needs to be here just in case. Who’d patch us up or call us dumbasses? I don’t see Cordy walkin’ away.”

“Nor do I but that doesn’t mean Angel isn’t fearing that very thing. He’s never really been able to hold on to things or people in his life. There’s usually someone waiting to knock him down, even if they have to go through the people around him to do it.”

“I don’t know if I buy that. If he was so worried about losing her, why did he cut her off in the first place?”

“I’m not entirely sure. I’m sure he had his reasons, regardless of how absurd they may seem to us. Perhaps his epiphany helped him to finally realize what he’d given up. When I first joined them in Los Angeles, they were very close. I oftentimes felt like I was intruding. As much as his firing us shocked me, I was more shocked that he abandoned Cordelia. Up until Darla showed up, Cordelia was extremely important to him.”

“I remember seeing him at the hospital when she was in a coma.”

“Ah yes. That was when you saw us in bed.”

Gunn grinned at the memory. “I’ll never forget the expression on your face when I said that.”

“I’ll never forget you shouting Gunn through Cordelia’s door. We were scrambling for a weapon.”

“Who ever thought we’d end up friends, English?”

“Certainly not I, but it is something I cherish.”

“Me too.” Gunn fidgeted in his seat. “OK. We’re having a Hallmark moment. Let’s stop before we hug.”

“Quite right. Back to Cordelia and Angel, I will continue to research the bond. Possessiveness is a common vampire trait and the bond may exacerbate his normal sense of possessiveness where Cordelia is concerned.”

“Woah. Hold up. Why would he normally feel possessive about Cordy?”

“She’s his seer as well as his friend. Vampires are very territorial. They don’t share and they fight for what they perceive as belonging to them.”

“I’m sorry. Is any of this supposed to make me feel better?”

“I know it sounds archaic but that’s not always the case. I don’t mean to suggest Angel considers Cordelia as some inanimate object that is his to possess. It’s more like she is his responsibility. He is responsible for safety.”

“OK. I can handle that. So what’s his problem with the accountant? He ain’t gonna hurt her.”

“Perhaps not physically but he may break her heart.”

“So what have we decided? Do we sit back and hope the vamp doesn’t decide to chop off any of Brian’s body parts?”

“I suppose we should do something a bit more proactive. In addition to research, I… you should speak to Cordelia… or Angel if you’d rather.”

“Nice try. You’re the boss. It’s your job to handle employee relations. You’re not scared, are you?”

“Of Angel, not at the moment. Of Cordelia, absolutely.”

“I know what you mean, English.”


“So your co-workers are like family?”

“Yes. Wesley and Gunn are like the brothers I never had. Although I guess that’s kind of squicky since Wes and I had a thing way back when.”

“You dated Wesley?”

“No. We had a flirtation going on back in Sunnydale but it died after we shared the worst kiss in history. Now he’s like a cross between my brother and my touchstone. He keeps me real and grounded. Gunn’s a cross between my big brother and a favorite uncle; you know the cool one who refuses to grow up.”

“So is Angel like a brother too?”

“Eww no. That’d be gross.” Cordelia leaned back as the waiter set her plate in front of her. “Mmm that smells so good. This restaurant is amazing. I don’t know how you got us in here on such short notice.”

“I handle their account. It’s always a good idea to be nice to your accountant.”

“Too bad my parents didn’t live by that rule but then I’m sure it wasn’t the accountant’s fault. He probably told my father to pay his taxes.”

“Why would it be gross?”

“Huh? This isn’t gross. It’s delicious. Do you want to try it?”

“Sure.” Brian accepted the bite of chicken she offered. “That is good. What I meant though was why would it be gross for Angel to be like a brother?”

“Oh.” She shrugged. “I don’t know. Let’s not talk about Angel. He’s a big insensitive jerk and he’s extremely annoying.”

“That sounds like a brother to me.”

“Can we talk about something else?”

“Of course, it’s just I can’t help remembering all the things I’ve heard about him in Caritas.”

“Well demons tend not to like Angel very much because he stops their evil plans or he just kills them.”

“I meant in regards to you. Referring to a woman as a possession is rather offensive. I would think his soul would make him more enlightened.”

“He doesn’t refer to me as a possession. He’s protective. There’s a difference. Those demons who were talking about me can get really crude and Angel doesn’t appreciate them talking about me like that. Some them are violent and may have tried to hurt me if it weren’t for Angel interfering. He doesn’t want to see me get hurt and he prefers men or males in general to treat me with respect. He may be a jerk sometimes but he is enlightened. OK. So he’s pretty backward when it comes to technology but when you cut yourself off from the world for like a hundred years, you miss stuff. He’s learning. He can be a little overbearing under the guise of chivalry but it’s not because he’s trying to make a woman feel smaller.”

“You’re right. Let’s not talk about Angel. Tell me more about where you grew up.”


Angel brushed off the dust that covered his coat. Cleaning out a vamp nest hadn’t been as satisfying as he had hoped. Violence normally made him feel at least a little better. He clutched his side as his injury began to take its toll. His day just kept on getting worse.

He’d fled his bed shortly after the sun rose telling himself it was because of her request. In truth it was because her beautiful alluring scent was mixed with another. By morning the scent had faded but he could still detect traces of another man.

It made his demon stir, whispering in his ear reminding him that he had foolishly let her go. He had pushed Cordelia away and now that he desperately wanted her back, she no longer wanted his friendship. If not for the people in her visions, she probably would never have agreed to his return at all.

Now there was another man in her life, a normal man who could give her a normal life. It was what she deserved and what she could never have with him. He should step back and wish her well.

“Screw that!” Angel started back to the hotel. He needed her and there was no way he was letting her go again. He had had an epiphany. He’d learned from his mistakes. It was a mistake to let her go the first time therefore it would be another mistake to let her go now.


Cordelia stood beneath the spray, letting the hot water cascade down her body. The evening had been enjoyable. By dessert she’d completely forgotten that she’d woken up alone and her panic had been rewarded by finding Angel asleep on the couch. Her day had been spent ignoring him and waiting for his apology. She wasn’t exactly sure what he was supposed to apologize for but she didn’t care. She was angry and she knew it was entirely his fault.

She had lost herself in the pounding beat of the music. The club Brian had taken her too was ultra-exclusive. She never knew an accountant could have so many good contacts. Hot sweaty bodies moving in a sultry rhythm made it impossible to think about Angel. He hadn’t said anything when Brian came to pick her up.

It was obvious his earlier reaction was an act. He wanted them to believe he cared about her safety, not that she thought he wanted anything bad to happen to her. It didn’t matter. They weren’t even friends anymore. Angel was just the hired muscle they needed to keep around for the mission. Brian had been a wonderful dancer, not like Angel.

His body moved in perfect synch with hers. The memory made her smile. It had been so long since she had someone to dance with, other than some random guy who kept trying to cop a feel. She’d forgotten how much she missed dancing.

She’d kissed Brian for the first time when he dropped her off. It was nice. He was a really good kisser, slightly better than Xander. He didn’t try to grope her at all yet he was the one to deepen the kiss. It was the perfect balance of desire and restraint. She enjoyed the kiss. It was everything a first kiss should be.

It was perfect. There was no calculating on his part like the losers she’d dated in the past. There was no intense insane moment of inexplicable passion like with Xander. They hadn’t been insulting each other seconds before the kiss. It was perfect. Brian told her how much he enjoyed their evening and he asked her out again.

She turned off the water when it began running cold. She absently wondered why she wasn’t taking a cold shower. She’d just gone dancing and had a wonderful evening with a wonderful, desirable guy. Everything had been perfect. Brian had made her smile and laugh, something she really needed to do more often.


Angel paced the length of his bedroom waiting for Cordelia to get out of his bathroom. He needed to wash off the remains of his opponents and clean out his injury. He had almost knocked on the door but decided against it. Rushing her would probably make her mad. Everything he did made her mad. He decided against sitting on his bed as well. She’d removed his sheets and comforter and replaced them with her own.

His chairs and couch had her throw pillows on them. He was a little surprised she didn’t just move all her furniture in. He had to admit her things really did make the room feel more lived in. His suite had already been more inviting than any other place he ever lived in. When he first moved into the hotel, Cordelia refused to allow him to decorate with weapons.

Now the woman’s touch was more pronounced. Evidence of Cordelia’s presence was everywhere. It was actually kind of comforting.

He swallowed hard when Cordelia exited the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head and one around her body. “Hey.”

Cordelia clutched her towel. “I didn’t know you were back.”

“I got back a few minutes ago. I was waiting to take a shower.”

“You look a little worse for the wear.” She noticed a wet spot on his black shirt. “Are you bleeding?”

“It’s nothing serious. It will be fine once I wash it out.”

“Oh. OK.” She stepped further into the bedroom, away from the bathroom door. “Oh shit. I umm used all the hot water. I’m not used to sharing a bathroom. If you wait a few minutes, I’m sure it will be fine.”

“Don’t worry about it. Cold water won’t kill me.” He gave her a small smile as he passed her.

Cordelia waited until the shower started to get dressed. She grabbed her favorite old t-shirt and a pair of Angel’s boxers from the one drawer he kept. She did her best to towel dry her hair before running downstairs for the first aid kit.

His injuries didn’t seem severe and she had no idea why she cared but she decided to patch him up anyway. Being cold and indifferent no longer felt like a punishment for just him, they weren’t friends but they did have to share a bed. A truce didn’t seem like such a bad idea. It would make Wesley feel better if she and Angel tried to get along.


Angel stepped out of the bathroom and froze. “What are you doing?”

“What does it look like, dumbass? I’m getting what I might need out of the first aid kit so I can patch you up.”

“I told you it was nothing serious. It’ll be fine.”

“Shut up and get on the bed. I don’t have all night. OK. That came out wrong.” She blushed slightly. “I don’t want you bleeding on my sheets.”

“I don’t know why you didn’t use mine. They’re satin.”

“I know but I never really cared for satin sheets. They’re too slidey. I prefer cotton sheets with a high thread count. Anything over three hundred is acceptable.” Cordelia kneeled beside him. “It looks deep.” Her fingers gently touched the wound.

Angel’s side twitched at her caress.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“You didn’t. A few butterfly bandages and I’ll be fine.”

She nibbled on her lower lip as she worked. It had been a really long time since she bandaged Angel’s wounds. The cool flesh felt strange yet so familiar beneath her fingertips. She taped cotton gauze into place incase it started to bleed again. Her fingers stroked the surrounding area, “Are there any more I should know about?” She glanced up at his face. His eyes were closed. “Are you awake?”

“Yes.” He kept his eyes closed. He was afraid of what she might see in them. “Everything else was minor and has already healed.” He refused to groan in protest when her hands disappeared.

“OK. Umm do you need some blood? I can heat some up for you, if you want?”

“Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?” He cursed himself for his stupidity.

“Sorry. You were injured doing something other than hunting two psycho vamps or evil lawyers. Forgive me for trying to be helpful. I thought you could use some patching up.”

Angel grabbed her hand before she could move away. “I’m sorry.” His eyes connected with hers. “I’ve had a bad night.”

Her resolve to be angry melted under his sad puppy face. “That’s okay. Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not really but I could use that blood you offered.”

“Sure. I’ll be right back.”

Angel listened to her shuffle around the kitchenette in the outer room. It felt good to be taken care of again. He’d missed that. No one took care of him like Cordelia did. He only hoped she didn’t spice his blood. As touching as her efforts were, pigs’ blood would never taste good.

“Here you go.”

He sat up and accepted the glass. “Thanks.”

“It’s no big deal.” She slid under the covers on her side of the bed.

“How was your night?”

“It was nice.”

“So still no sign of Ryan, I mean Brian being evil?”

Despite herself, she smiled. “No. He’s a completely normal, really nice guy.” She laughed. “Apparently they really do exist. I’m expecting to see my very first unicorn any day now.”

“What’s your really nice guy think of us sharing a bed?”

“I haven’t exactly told him that part yet. You didn’t make a very good first impression. That and everything he’s heard about you in Caritas, I thought I should wait to explain the whole annulment process. This was only our second date. I don’t want to send him screaming into the night. He may be a completely normal, really nice guy but I am not a normal girl and I’m only nice to people I like.”

“Don’t I know it.”

“Jerk.” Her insult was tempered by the smile on her face. “I don’t know why he wants to see me again.”

“He asked you out again? Three dates three nights in a row seems kind of fast, don’t you think?”

“It’s not for tomorrow night. We’re going on a picnic on Saturday afternoon.”

“Oh. That’s sounds nice… and sunny.”

“I know. No one has ever invited me on a picnic before. OK that may have something to do with the fact that sitting on the ground has never been my thing. There’s dirt and bugs and that’s hardly an ideal setting for eating. Actually who the hell thought up eating outside like it’s a treat? I mean I get the whole cooking outdoors. Grilled food tastes pretty good but then it’s supposed to be brought inside and eaten at a table… with utensils and no bugs or dirt. Don’t get me wrong. I’m totally looking forward to this. Brian enjoys hiking and fishing, not that we’re doing that on Saturday and not that I wouldn’t enjoy… err be willing to try that. He told me he usually spends his vacations doing outdoor kind of stuff. My idea of outdoor sports is skiing followed by warming myself up in front of a roaring fire in a ski lodge. Lying on a beach somewhere is a good outdoor activity too. I guess I’m just used to nighttime stuff.”

“I’m sorry. I know that’s my fault.”

“Oh please! Did you notice me at all in Sunnydale? Nighttime activities included researching through musty books in the library, traipsing through the many Sunnydale cemeteries or dancing at the bronze. Daytime was spent at school, the mall or the library. That was hardly your fault. It was my choice to be there. I could have done the whole forget-what-happened-the-second-after-it-happens thing like the rest of the town. Plus I’m the one who practically begged you for job here in LA; which I will vehemently deny if you tell anyone. Doyle is the one who gave me the visions. If you want to feel guilty then do it right. Feel bad about abandoning me. Feel bad about abandoning the guys and the people in my visions. I don’t care about the stupid sun. No one is forcing me into the night. I can go outside and enjoy the sunny fields of nature any damn time I want. I don’t have to go to a tanning salon. I freakin’ live in California. I choose to use a tanning bed. I mean who wants tan lines when you don’t absolutely have to have them.” She started laughing. “How did we get on the subject of my lack of tan lines? What were we talking about?”

“I forget. Your thoughts aren’t exactly linear.” His mind was still processing the no tan lines comment.

“Shut up. I understood my transitions just fine.”

“So what were we talking about then?”

“Umm… It’s your fault I lost my train of thought.”


“Yes. You were doing the “oh poor me” thing and knocked me off track.”

“My what?”

“Don’t try to look innocent with me. You did that everything is my fault thing.”

“You’re right. It is my fault you lost your train of thought.”

“Exactly.” She smiled. “Wait a minute.” His smirk finally registered. “You’re such a jerk.” She smacked him with her pillow. “You know when you beat yourself up about stuff it takes the fun out of it for the rest of us.” She smacked him again.

“I have perfectly legitimate reasons to be mad at you and you keep screwing that up for me.” On her third swing he caught her pillow and hit her with his. “Hey! No one gave you permission to defend yourself.” She yanked her weapon free and continued swinging.

Angel tackled her to the bed. “It’s hardly fair to pick on a poor defenseless injured vampire.”

She tried to wriggle out from under him. “Defenseless my ass. You’re a big bully.” She bucked her hips in an attempt to throw him off of her. “Get off of me, you big jerk.”

“Not until you apologize for hitting me.”

“Oh please. You deserved it.”

“How do you figure that?”

She grinned up at him. “Because I said so.”

“You’re logic is impressive.”

“I know.”

“I’m still waiting for an apology.”

“You’re gonna be waiting a really long time.”

“That’s okay. I have a really long life ahead of me.” He gripped both of her wrists in one hand, allowing his free hand to move lower.

“What are you doing?”

“I’ve never been known for patience.” His fingers lightly touched her side, teasing bare skin where her shirt had ridden up.

Cordelia bucked wildly beneath him as she broke out in a fit of giggles. “No fair! That tickles. Stop… stop! I’m serious, Angel. You’re making… very, very mad. OK. OK. I’m sorry.” She took a few deep breaths, willing her stomach muscles to relax. She shoved him off her. “I said it before and I’ll say it again. You are a big bully.” Her hand lashed out and smacked his chest. Her head popped up at his grunt of pain.

“Nice shot.” He clutched his wounded side.

“Serves you right. Move your hand so I can see, you big baby.”

“That hurt.”

“You shouldn’t pick a fight when you’re hurt.”

“You’re the one who started the violence.”

“Oh please!” She lifted the gauze and inspected her work. “You’re fine. It’s practically healed already. You are such a whiner.”

“I am not!”

“Pfft. Go to bed.” She flopped onto her back and grunted in annoyance. “Give me back my pillow.”

“No.” He placed both pillows beneath his head. “You called me a whiner.”

Cordelia rolled over and bit his arm.


She grabbed her pillow. “You should have given me my pillow back.”

“I can’t believe you just bit me.”

“I’m just following your lead.”

“How do you figure that?”

“You did the five year old tickle torture. I bit you. Now we’re even.”

He rubbed his arm. “That hurt. I didn’t hurt you.”

“Aw! Did I hurt the poor defenseless injured vampire?” She rolled over again. “Here.” She moved his hand and kissed his arm. “Better now?” She rolled away without waiting for a response. “Now go to bed.”

Angel closed his eyes and tried to ignore the tingling sensation that started the instant her lips connected with his flesh. He would not ruin her playful mood by doing something stupid. No matter how much he wanted to.

“Good night, Cordy.”

“Good night, John Boy.”


“Never mind.”

Part 6

Posted in TBC

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