This Time Its Real. 41-43

Chapter 41

Cordelia sat up, grabbing her sweats off the floor. She absent-mindedly pulled the pants on, her concentration on the vampire getting dressed in front of her. Cordelia sighed.

Angel really was beautiful.

“What?” Angel glanced up tugging down his shirt wishing that they hadn’t gotten up at all. But as wonderful as being with Cordelia was on that small bed, he was anxious to take her and Connor home.

The sooner the ritual was done the sooner they could go. Now that they had a plan a solution, Angel felt more secure in the outcome. Cordelia would live. She had to. Angel frowned waiting for Cordelia to answer him.

He’d be even more secure, if Cordelia showed affirmatively that she believed it. Cordelia seemed to accept it, but she had cried her soft tears, it had only been for a second, but the moisture had scorched his skin.

“What? What are you thinking? Cordy, it will…”

“ Be okay?” The young woman smiled. “That’s my line. And that wasn’t what I was thinking, smarty pants.”


“I was thinking how beautiful you are.” Cordelia sighed again. “Really, really beautiful,” sighing again, standing in front of the vampire, her hands placed lightly over his chest.

Angel squirmed at her intense admiration, taking in a gulp of air, feeling a long forgotten need to blush. Okay, sure, in Angel’s almost two hundred and fifty years – women, a lot of them, had been attracted to him, hell, Angelus had used the vampire’s looks mercilessly to charm, tempt then kill.

But, there was something about the way Cordelia was looking at him that made him feel like the stuttering youth that he had once been before – before he realized the power of his looks could have over the female populace or knew how the charm of the demon with the face of an angel could devastate a being at his choice or accepted that neither did nothing to cure or alleviate the guilt of his soul.

It was a power that Angel knew he had and used when necessary but mainly he forgot. Until Cordelia, because with her – his looks had no power,except briefly so long ago before she even knew what he was, once she knew then, his looks meant nothing to the young high school student, Angel hadn’t cared then but he knew.

And the charm that he spent centuries honing to a sharp pleasuring deadly skill, also meant nothing, since that charm was pretty much non-working when Cordelia was in his presence. Cordelia stripped him of all that- especially over that last year when Angel so desperately wanted Cordy to look at him like an attractive man.

Angel smiled wanting to suddenly break out in song or at least hum or whistle some happy ditty. Cordelia was looking at him like that, even more. She thought he was beautiful. God, he dreamt of her gazing at him with love, desire…adoration, even.

And here she was doing it. Angel was one happy vampire. His dreams were coming true, Cordelia was here, she loved him, she made love with him….the rest had to come true.

“You’re blushing, my handsome heroic dork vampire is blushing,” Cordelia giggled. “I know you’ve been told that you were beautiful before.”

“No, not when it meant so much, not from you.” Angel tentatively traced Cordy’s profile with a tender touch. “You are the beautiful, amazing one.”

Cordelia smiled very pleased. “Ah, now I know you love me, I look horrible, all dirty bed hair and baggie cloths.”

“I like MY baggie cloths on you.” Angel dropped a quick possessive kiss on her lips.

“Yours?” Raising a brow.

“Mine,” Angel said firmly, reaching again for her lips, not at all talking about the clothes that she had stolen along with his heart so long ago.

“We’re never going to leave here,” murmuring, moving in closer into the vampire’s embrace.

Angel pulled back up. “Yes. The quicker we do the ritual, the quicker this will all be over.” Turning to the door.

Cordelia stood, blinking at the back of the vampire, tears threatened to fall in torrents as her heart lurched breaking in half. She didn’t want it all to be over, because then it would really be over.

“Cordy,” Angel glanced back at Cordelia’s hesitation.

“Oh, sure, you’re not the one that Buffy gets use as a pin cushion,” raising her brows in sarcasm, her pain once again hidden. Cordelia moved past the vampire to leave the room.

Angel pulled her back by the arm. “Buffy won’t…”

“Kidding, Angel, kidding…beautiful but still need to work on the sense of humor thing, Pfft.”

“I have a sense of humor, I can laugh. I do. Sometimes. Not often. Not recently. But, you’re back, you make me laugh.” Angel nodded trying to convince the young woman.

“That’s because I’m funny.”

“Would that be in the ‘ha ha’ way or the ‘ew- strange’ way, because I’m thinking….”

Cordelia narrowed her eyes at the vampire then broke out in a big smile. “That was almost funny, predictable, but unpredictable in that it sprang from your un-dead funny bone. That was good. Come on lets go see Connor, then save the world.”

Chapter 42

“All right, does every one know what they’re to do.”

Wesley was standing before the occupants of the room going over the plan again. “Cordy. Cordelia,” trying to get the young woman’s attention.

Cordelia glared up from the smiling chattering boy in her lap. “What?”

“Have you even been listening, this is important?”

“What Connor was saying was more important and a damn sight more insightful. I think he gave the solution to the whole peace in the Middle East question. He’s so smart.” She buried her head back into the child’s laughing arms.

“Cordelia, you have to know…..”

“Wesley, I got it. I stand there while Buffy does the spell cutting my wrist, while the rest of you protect us. Crystal will zap and purge any Drakkus that gets to close to me and Buffy. Not real difficult, in fact I got the easy part. I don’t have to listen to you to know how to stand still and let other’s save me, been trained way to many time in that scenario.”

Wesley rolled his eyes. “Now, Buffy….” Wesley looked around. “Where’s Buffy? Has she not been here, she needs to know what….”

“Ermeh,” Willow cleared her throat. “Buffy said she got it after the third time you told her, she wanted to go get something. She thought it would help.”

“Smart, girl, she left.” Cordelia rolled her eyes.

“Cordy, we…..”

“Damn’t Slayer stop pushing,” a smoking blanket came tumbling in through the front door.

“You’re about to go up in flames, idiot.”

“Didn’t think you cared.” Spike flung off the blanket, glaring at the blonde then at the others in the room.

“Spike, I thought we got rid of him.” Xander jumped up. “Why’s he here?”

“Good question, moron. I don’t want to be. Bleedin’ bitch woke me up and threatened to spread my ashes to the high winds if I didn’t come. Bugger, it was almost like old times. Which I fuckin don’t want.”

“Tough. You’re helping.” Buffy glared back then turning to the rest. “I just figured that if I’m doing the spell with Cordy. Spike could be useful in helping to protect her and well us,” looking at Cordelia than at Crystal, shrugging apologetically.

“Another vampire couldn’t hurt.” Buffy hadn’t been able to think of any other way to keep her promises to both Angel and Cordelia. This way she could concentrate on the spell and Cordy- and Spike could make sure Crystal stayed alive.

“I ain’t helping.” Spike glared than stopped. “Hey, when did the cheerleader come back? Looking good, chit for a dead person.”

“A couple of days ago and thanks,” Cordelia said over Angel’s growl, placing a hand up to the vampire’s chest. “It’s a good idea, Buffy.” It looked like the Powers were giving Buffy the vampire she was supposed to be with after all.

Good, Cordelia had forgotten all about trying to get Spike involved in the whole saving the world thing.

The blonde vampire studied Cordelia and his grandsire standing so close together.

He swung around to Buffy. “I told you, but you wouldn’t believe me. I told you, Peaches was in love with the cheerleader, dead or not. “

Buffy winced. Spike had told her over and over again, until she told if he came to her one more time spouting that junk she would really stake him.

“Shit, dumped you as soon as she came back, didn’t he or didn’t you know they’ve been shagging like damn bunnies. Didn’t even give you a second thought, did he? “

“Spike, shut up.” Cordelia stepped forward jerking the blond vampire away from the gulping, tearing slayer. “Leave her alone. Help or don’t but leave Buffy alone. Stop hurting her.”

“Oh, hurt her? Me? What about you and Peaches acting like rutting teenagers, right in front of her?”

Before Angel even had a chance to move or Cordelia to yell, Buffy swung hitting Spike square in the jaw, throwing Spike across the room.

“Don’t mock what you don’t understand, got me. Angel and Cordy haven’t done anything wrong, they just love each other, and there is nothing WRONG with that. Cordy’s Connor’s mother, they’re a family, it’s beautiful, so don’t pick at it with your bitterness. I was the one that was wrong and if you don’t shut up, I will stake you.”

“Oh, wow.”

“What girl,” Gunn whispered back to Fred.

“I didn’t know that she was that strong and wow, she just like defended Angel and Cordy from that annoying vampire, I think I could like her after all. Though, he is cute.”

“Uh,” Gunn stared, trying to understand the last part of Fred’s comment, looking back at the vampire pulling him self up the wall.

Cordelia stopped herself from going to Buffy. Angel was already there. She sighed. Angel needed to do this, he wouldn’t be happy without fixing things with the slayer himself.

She turned her attention to the blonde vampire.


“Buffy.” Angel started gently.

“Angel, it’s okay.”

“Yeah, everyone wants it to be, don’t they? If we all say it enough, do you think it will happen?”

“Angel, I won’t let anything happen to Cordy.”

“I believe you. Buffy, I’m sorry that I hurt you. I do love you. I’m sorry that I couldn’t…”

Buffy held up her hand. “Don’t, Angel, don’t say what you don’t mean. You aren’t sorry that you love Cordy, you aren’t sorry she’s here, you weren’t sorry that you were going to leave me anyway.”

Angel raised a puzzled brow at the change in tenses. “I do love you, Buffy.”

“Not enough, not the same. I know that and you know that. And you know what? it really is okay. Sure, it hurts some. But I have your love.” Buffy shrugged. “Though, Cordy has so much more, doesn’t she, she has it all.”

“I…” Angel stopped. Buffy wanted the truth, expected it. “Yes.”

Buffy shrugged again. “I’ll be fine, you’ll be fine AND Cordy will be fine. Maybe, we could be friends, though, all of us. I’m not sure we ever were.” Buffy scrunched up her brow.

“I would like that.”

Buffy finally really smiled.


Cordy held out a hand to the blond vampire. “Hurry up, get up. ”

“What’s your rush?”

“What’s with your attitude? You were helping the Scoobies before I died.”

“She had her vampire hero, broody fucker, this model not needed.”

“You’re jealous.” Cordelia said in realization.

“Death make you smart or just loony?”

“Spike, one way or another, Angel is leaving for LA when this is over. Buffy will need your help again.”

“Right, Peaches’ sloppy seconds. No fuckin way.”

“I wasn’t suggesting that you sleep with her.” Cordelia shrugged. “Just help her. Geez. She loved him before you anyway. Nothing changed about that.”

“She chose him over me.”

“Did she even know that you were a viable choice? With your mouth, I could see her hesitation.”

Spike studied Cordelia again. “When did you become a demon?”

“Before I became dead. Look, Spike are you going to help us or not.”

“Fuck it. I was never a big fan of Armageddon- no fun afterwards. Sure.”

“Good. Your job is to make sure that,” she tugged and pointed to Crystal. “She stays alive no matter what. Got it?”

“Tasty for a gold one, but who is she and why?”

“Just do it. Okay.”

Spike looked again at Cordelia. “What’s really going on here?”

“We’re saving the world.”

“Right,” Spike shook his head and followed the dark-haired woman back into the main room.

Chapter 43

“Buffy,” Dawn ran up to the slayer.

“Dawn, I know you want to go, but you need to stay with Connor. Honey, it’s not a matter of not trusting you; it’s just that you’re not that experienced and this is not the time for you learn. This won’t be like patrolling the cemetery. Okay?”

Dawn wanted to argue but she did understand. It was just that she didn’t want to be left alone worrying about her sister and friends.

“I understand that, too.” Buffy said softly. “But, we’ll be fine, you just make sure that Lorne and Connor are, okay?”

Dawn slowly nodded. “But when you get back, next patrol I get to go, right?”


Dawn shrugged.

Buffy hugged her younger sister. “Fine.”


“So, you up for another apocalypse?” Xander looked at Willow.

“Yeah, at least this time I won’t be the one causing it, that’s a bonus.”


“I’m fine, Xander, ready to go kick some Drakkus booty, in the non magical sense of the physical hardy stuff.” Willow stumbled then regaining her footing bringing the heavy sword crashing to the floor. “Is there a lighter one?”


Lorne’s melodic words melted into gentle hums to Connor. “Don’t worry, baby child. Didn’t daddycakes and mommy just promise that every thing would be okay? They sure did. Now, honey child, daddy and company will save the world and Powers willing….god, let them be willing, mommy will be back, to snuggle and serenade you with bad songs.”

The green demon placed a gentle kiss on the little boy’s brow.


“So, English, gotta be happy to be back,” Gunn leaned on the counter. “Can’t tell me you had any weird ass demon world saving gigs in the last year.”

Wesley pushed up his glasses. “I’m glad to be back, weird ass demon world saving gigs aside.”

“Me, too.” Fred hugged the ex-watcher, squealing. “We’re all together again, this is so…so…” Fred scrunched up her brow.

“Wow.” Wesley cocked his head at Gunn. “She’s speechless.”

“Am not,” Fred squinted up at Wesley. “This is just great.”

“Yes, Fred, I would have to agree,” Wesley glanced fondly at the young woman his gaze then going to Gunn.

“Thank you for trying, both of you and sorry I couldn’t…”

“Don’t hassle it man, it was tough for all, but hey, the team is back and in action,” Gunn raised his hand in the air.

Wesley paused then smiled proceeding to smack, shake and grin all during the intricate handshake.


Cordy smiled. Her family had found their way back to each other. Things would be okay and maybe even good. She had to be happy for them.


The young woman’s smile got brighter as the strong arms encircled her waist and the lips nuzzled at her neck.

She waited a brief moment and turned in the arms to face Angel. “I love you.”

“I love you. We’ll be fine. This will work. I believe it. I know it.”

Cordelia caressed Angel’s strong jaw. “I love you with all my heart and soul, forever.” She said smiling, refusing her last words to Angel be another lie.

“Whew. I didn’t want to be the only one.” Angel smirked.

Cordy cocked a brow. “More with the funnies. The world is ending.”


“Ready, darkness has descended, vampire heroes are safe,” Buffy called leading the way.

Willow and Xander close behind weapons in hand. Spike taking up the rear, close but not quite a part of the group. Buffy waited. The vampire reached her side and then she moved forward at a quick pace.

Angel and Cordelia moved up to Wesley, Gunn and Fred. “Anybody up for saving the world today?” The vampire asked.

“Sure why not,” Gunn grabbed his axe hosting it up on his shoulders.

Wesley swung his sword, “I say, it has been awhile.” Wesley looked straight at Angel. “And NO ONE will die.”

Angel nodded, finally really accepting Wesley’s presence back. “It’s not a party without you, Wes.”

“Right, no one to dance like a wooden dyslexic puppet.” Cordy smirked.

“Really, Cordy.” Wesley smiled.

“I’ve got a sword.” Fred swung her weapon wildly in the air.

“Girl, watch the arches.”

“Pooh, I’ve got aim and swing. Let’s go. I want to get home.”

Cordy smiled. “I love you guys.”

“We love you too, Cordy,” the group sang out together. Lorne’s strong musical tones rang loudly in accompaniment from the couch. “Luv,” Connor giggled up at the game long remembered.

“Smart beautiful boy,” Cordy beamed to Angel.

“Still wondering where he got it from,” Gunn cleared his throat, happily.

“Pfft.” Cordelia stuck her tongue out at her friend.

“Let’s go.” Angel took the lead. Cordelia close at his side, Wesley, Gunn and Fred fanned out behind walking in determined confident strides.

They were at the door when Cordelia paused looking back at Crystal. The demon was standing there looking a bit lost. “Come on, you’re with us.” Beckoning the young woman.

Crystal ran up. Cordelia moved back letting the demon take her place beside Angel.

Angel stopped and turned grabbing at Cordelia without thought he brushed the other demon aside. “Beside me, always,” gripping Cordy’s hand walking out the door.

Wesley, Gunn and Fred started to move again, Crystal fell in beside them off a bit, a little on the outside, but included in the determination and power of the group.

Chapter 44

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