Just What the Doctor Ordered. 1

Title: Just What the Doctor Ordered Author: Cordelia’sDestiny Posted: 10/06/03 Email Rating: NC17 Category: Angst, smut Content: C/A Summary: Wesley insists that Cordelia…

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Consequences. 5

Part 5 The silence in the library thickened, seeming to spread around the room like a choking fog. Buffy stared, teary-eyed and confused,…

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Consequences. 4

Part 4 The slow cooker’s lid rattled as steam created pressure and tried to escape from inside. Homey aromas of roast beef and…

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Consequences. 3

Part 3 Angel stared in fascination at Cordelia’s mouth as she talked animatedly to Giles. She had plump lips, something he’d always loved…

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Consequences. 2

Part 2 As atmospheres go, this was about the most uncomfortable this library had ever seen. The faces of everyone in the room…

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Consequences. 1

Title: Consequences Author: Cordelia’s Destiny Posted: Nov/Dec 06 Email Rating: R. Overall, N-17 Category: Romance, Humor, mild angst Content: C/A (Primary), S/B, W/X,…

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