Taking A Trip 3


Numerous phrases passed through her head but none of them seemed right, so she simply held out her hand to him hoping it would be enough. He hesitated for a long time but in the end was drawn back to her.

“What is it”? He asked her still uncertain about being anywhere near her at the moment. He needed to get some distance to cool down and get some perspective back.

“I don’t want you to go- stay with me OK”? It was a request not a demand and unusually subdued coming from the fiery woman he knew – “Please” that finished it and finally he nodded, still frowning and looking at the ground instead of her.

They’d only gone past a few more doors before she stopped in front of a building just on the corner of the block; Cordelia ignored the main entrance and knocked on the furthest side door.

Angel frowned when he heard the music coming from inside and his belly knotted – fiddles and lyrical voices; stamping feet and shouts of laughter came all too clearly from the inside. Ah – hell no! “Cordy..”

Too late the door was opened and a cheerful flushed face appeared, “Sorry Love, we’re closed it’s passed 3 am dontcha know”.

Unfazed Cordelia smiled her biggest smile and tucked her head down so that she was looking at the man through her thick lashes, a charming look on her face. Like always it worked – thoroughly charmed the man hesitated when closing the door.

“Jimmy over at the Cabana sent us; he said this is the place to come tonight for a party”. She shrugged and conjured up a hopeful look, clasping her hands behind her back – the picture of innocence and youthful beauty.

“Did he now”? Said the man with a wink and a smile – “and who’s us”?

Cordelia indicated Angel and pulled the reluctant vampire into the light; he wiped the scowl off his face only when she dug a sharp finger into his side. His sideways glance promised retribution but he put on a charming look of his own and did his best to get her what she wanted, even though he was dreading it.

“Allright then – come in and mind your step now” Cordy gave the man a lovely smile and threw Angel a ‘behave yourself’ look as she walked inside; he followed reluctantly and was immediately enveloped with the sight and smells of Ireland.

“I need a drink” He told her desperately and headed off to the bar, she gave him a concerned look and followed; weaving through the press of bodies in his wake, as he made his way over to the dark wooden bar with the shiny brasses and beer kegs.

I should have just walked away, he thought to himself as he waited for the barmaid to finish with a customer, But Oh No, you just had to give in didn’t you?. Right then he would have welcomed a vision of something really big and nasty – something that would give as good as it got and maybe get his mind off her.

Cordelia could have kicked herself, she’d been thinking of dancing with him and had thought this kind of place would relax him, Yeah great idea Cor, remind him of all the horrors he’d done. Being drunk at the time was no excuse, although she wished she still was, because that comfort seemed to have drained away.

“Here you are folks” said the barmaid and winked at Angel saucily; he looked down at the row of drinks in front of him blankly, he hadn’t ordered them. “I didn’t order these,” he told her, his face endearingly confused.

“It’s OK Hun, it’s a free bar but the only drink available is beer or whiskey and you look like a whiskey man to me”, she went off with a cheery laugh to dole out the next round of drinks to another group.

Cordelia picked one the of the glasses up and held it up to the light, a pensive look on her face, do I really want to drink any more tonight? Angel tossing one of the four down his throat like it was water decided it for her and she did likewise.

She coughed and spluttered as it burned its way down, causing a few chuckles and Angel to bang her back, a tiny smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

“You might want to go a bit slower” he advised tongue in cheek.

“Says you” she replied, the bravado spoiled by the hoarseness of her voice, annoyed when she heard more chuckling, she picked up the next one and threw that one down as well – “In for a penny, in for a pound”, get the hell out of my head Wesley!

“Want me to get you a beer?” Asked Angel, raising his voice to be heard over the music, which had started up again.

She shook her head and shouted back “No, if you can take so can I”, so take that and stuff your macho arrogance, OK maybe that was unfair but she hated guys assuming she couldn’t keep up.

“Cordy, I have a lot of weight on you”, replied Angel with a shake of his head.

I wish – Arrgghhh don’t start with that “I’ll be fine” she repeated and widened her eyes for emphasis and to shut him up.

After a few more trips to the bar at Cordy’s insistence he started to relax again; the initial shock had faded and he was able to see past the memories to twenty first century America again. Even as fuzzy as it was, at least it came with no gut wrenching guilt.

“Do you feel like dancing yet?”, asked Cordy with a hint of shyness, thinking of what had happened outside earlier.

“You know Irish dancing”? Angel asked in surprise

“No, but how difficult can it be”? She frowned when he laughed and nearly slid of the chair when she wiggled too hard on the uncomfortably hard stool. Strong hands caught her and then pulled her up, “Sure, if you’re certain you can handle yourself”? He told her with a cheeky grin.

“You let me worry about that ‘kay” She told him and took the lead going over to the other people making do with a makeshift hardwood dance floor.

In just a few minutes she was gasping and laughing at the pace and wow not to mention that her vampire was in his element, in this setting it was perfect, his arms around her waist strong at her back, leading, lifting and twirling to the fiddle and clapping hands of the patrons.

Despite it’s Irish influence most of them were Americans and rarely came across someone who knew the proper way to dance to the jaunty notes. In a short while they were the centre of attention and despite not being an exhibitionist, she couldn’t help but laugh and just enjoy the attention.

Impulsively she reached up to plant a smacking kiss on his smiling mouth and was rewarded with an even bigger smile from her handsome partner.

Soon enough they were forced to switch partners, but she didn’t mind; as she was joined by the only other true Irishman in the bar- the guy who’d let them in. His honest to goodness good humour and charm effortlessly winning her over too. She was having a whale of a time.

After half an hour though she was dizzy, out of breath and desperate to sit down. The only problem was the place was full enough that chairs were at a premium. Then she spotted Angel already sitting on a chair by a table – the other chair was occupied though; so she walked over to him and, before he could get up to give her his seat – sat on his lap instead.

She sat sideways so that she could see his face and wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulders, smiling mistily at him. “Enjoying yourself”?

“Yeah, I think so – hmm yeah” she smiled at the mixture of doubtful confusion and bemused befuddlement on his face.

“Make your mind up Angel,” said Cordy with a quick laugh.

“I would but someone keeps getting me drunk”, he gave her a mock frown too relaxed to worry about what he should or shouldn’t do and the fact that having her on his lap was wrong. Why is that he wondered – but the details were too hazy and it just felt too damn good.

“You feel good” damn, did he say that out-loud?

“Hmmm”, she nuzzled the place where his right shoulder met his neck, lightly kissing it before heading for his lips to do the same there.

Hazily she remembered this was a bad thing to do, but since it felt so good she dismissed the possibility as ridiculous and carried on, only stopping to nibble on his jaw.

Finally she reached his lips and was met with a warm welcome, lazily their tongues entwined as the noise and conversation ebbed and flowed around them, the music having stopped for the time being.

“Want anymore?” Asked the cheerful voice of a woman next to them, “Last rounds if you do” she grinned at their bemused, passion filled faces and pointed at the empty glasses on the table, they both shook their heads.

“What’s a gorgeous couple like you doing in here then, there’s plenty of motels around here ya know. Only judging by the two of you, consider stopping at the chapel on the way there, hmmm”. She winked and laughed before getting up and picking up her purse, leaving them to it.

“Don’t listen to her” said a man standing a few feet away, “no sense getting hitched these days” then he winced when the woman he was with slapped him over the head.

“Oww” he said and glared “what did ya do that for, it’s not as if that damned chapel’s legal anyway”. His partner was obviously not impressed, “It is so”.

Cordelia rolled her eyes and looked at Angel who was looking around him as if he was still having trouble dealing with his being there, “Wanna leave”?

He considered for a minute and then got distracted when she moved her butt over his lap in a way guaranteed to get him hard and promptly forgot what she’d asked him. “What”?

She cupped his cheeks and leaned down until her nose was touching his; laughing hazel eyes met bemused brown, “I said do-You-Want-To-Leave”?

His tongue felt twisted into knots so he just nodded. She clambered off his lap and pulled him up by one hand, holding him steady when he swayed.

Uh oh“Hey big guy, don’t think if you fall on your ass that I can pick you up, so stay on your feet OK?” She kept an arm around his waist anyway and between them they managed to get out of the door without mishap.

By the time they’d got down back by the chapel the fresh air had hit Cordelia enough that it felt like the ground was moving under her feet, “Oh crap”

“Whatzit”? Asked Angel when she staggered to the steps to sit them both down.

“Need to sit” She said woozily, which made perfect sense to him so he happily settled back.

Other people started to exit out of the bar and passed them, several waved recognizing them, and Cordy waved back when she could focus enough to tell them apart.
One last couple passed them and Cordy heard a hiss “Pssst! Do yourselves a favour – don’t get married, it’s the pits”. She snickered when she heard another yelp of pain; some people should just not get married and apparently she was one of them.

That was such a sad thought that she nudged Angel looking for some comfort since she blamed him for that; “Hey do you realise I’ll probably never even get married”?

He was leaning back against the wall with his eyes closed but opened them to look at her, “Neither will I” he sighed and shut them again.

“Yeah well, you don’t care about that do you”? She said sulkily.

“Says who” he didn’t bother to look at her too busy trying to get his brain to work like it’s supposed to.

“Well I thought … Umm OK maybe I was wrong” she admitted, it’s not like they’d ever discussed it, she’d just assumed marriage for vamps was a big no- no.

Angel sighed and opened bleary eyes at her, “So who you wanna marry then”?

“Pfft – don’t ask me, I may as well be married to you for all the action I see outside the office”, that used to really bother her but not so much recently, absently she wondered why that was.

“I hate it when you date other guys” Angel admitted making her turn too sharply and nearly fall down to the next step.

“You do? Why?” Enjoying the fact that Angel got very chatty when he’d had a few too many.

He didn’t get a chance to answer because right then the heavens opened and big fat dollops of rain started to pelt down from the black sky. Together they stumbled to their feet and dashed towards the nearest available shelter, inside the chapel itself.

“Can I help you?” asked the sharp faced assistant almost the second they shut the door behind them. It was woman and she looked none too pleased to have her space invaded.

Oh great; a people person, thought Cordy and summoned up a smile, “Hi there, it’s started to rain outside – can we wait it out in here” She gestured to her dress which was not exactly waterproof.

“No sorry, this is a wedding chapel -not a rain shelter” was the sour reply, “Unless you wanna get married you have to leave”.

Cordelia just stared, well that’s great counseling for a wedding professional, whatever happened to making sure a couple were suited first? This place is definitely a scam. She checked outside and ducked back in immediately already a good deal wetter.

“OK fine we wanna get married,” She told the woman, and then she felt Angel stiffen beside her. “I need to talk to my fiancé first though, in here OK”? She pointed to a door on the left and was given a grudging nod of approval.

Angel let her drag him into the private room, which turned out to be a public one anyway, “Are you crazy”? He hissed at her, he was finding he was sobering up faster than he’d expected.

“No” she hissed back trying to keep her voice down, “This place is nothing but a scam anyway and I do not want to get wet, Angel”.

“You can’t know that for sure and a little rain won’t hurt you,” argued Angel desperately; dammit she had that look in her eye that meant she wasn’t going to let up.

“Oh c’mon! It only costs twenty bucks; we get to stay warm and dry -and besides, this is likely to be my only shot to ever get married so just deal OK?” She put her hands on her hips and glared angrily at him, what is his problem? like she’d ever really marry him, huh no way.

“So tell me Angel – why do you hate me dating”? She asked him archly; deciding on a new tactic, since her last wasn’t working quick enough to suit her.

“I don… what – did I say that”? He asked groaning out loud and not caring, he rubbed his hands over his face and even the back of his neck, standard nervous Angel delaying tactics.

“Oh yes you did, so spill” She had him now she could feel it, taste it even.

“So I’m possessive, what’s new? – You already knew that” he mimicked her hands on hips stance and glared back at her.

“I’ll cut a deal with you; you go through with this and I won’t date for a year” she thought about that and frowned. “No, make it 6 months”.

“A year” snapped Angel.

“Done” She held out her hand and they shook on it.

They both went back to the outer room and within half an hour the deed was done. But afterwards when they walked outside again, Cordelia was silent and that grated on his nerves.

“What is it Cordy? You wanted this, remember”

“Yeah I know”. It was just so weird saying the vows about faithfulness and forever lasting stuff and even weirder to hear them said back to her by him. She couldn’t shake the feeling that this was going to change them so much more than she’d originally thought which had been ‘not at all’.

“Let’s get back to the motel”.


Angel paced within the small confines of the motel room, skirting the bed and casting worried glances at the bathroom door where Cordy was getting ready to turn in. He had the marriage certificate in his hand and couldn’t stop staring at it – it looked real to him but he wasn’t exactly an expert on the subject.

“What if it IS real”? He asked himself and then shook his head; no way -and besides, without consummation they could just as easily get an annulment. For some reason that made him angry so he gave up and dropped it back on the bedside table.

Cordelia lay on the bed buried under the covers, listening to Angel shower and worrying at her lower lip with white teeth. She felt too unsettled for sleep her mind was practically spinning with so many things; it was impossible to even close her eyes.

Angel isn’t a no-bone anymore and we’re married, “yeah so?” she blushed when she realised she’d answered herself back.

So take advantage, you know you want to; don’t lie to yourself . She squeezed her eyes shut, determined to go asleep and ignore her inner voice.

The bathroom door opened and Angel walked out wearing only a single thin towel wrapped around his hips and rubbing at his dark hair with another. God he’s ripped. Said that inner voice and Cordelia was helpless to disagree, he was one gorgeous specimen if you liked your men big and muscley, which she did.

Shut up, shut up, shut upppp, chanted Cordelia squeezing her eyes closed again and blocking out the sight of nearly naked Angel. This is Angel your talking about, your ‘demonic’ friend; loveable sure but not lover material got it!

She heard the other bed squeak a little and then silence, finally she couldn’t bear the silence anymore and opened her eyes to find he was watching her with a curious expression on his handsome face.

“You OK?” he asked when he saw her looking at him.

“Yeah” it came out as a defensive squeak, so she cleared her throat and tried again, “Why wouldn’t I be”?

“No reason” he said and pulled back the covers to climb in, still wearing the towel which immediately started to come loose, but before she could see anything the bed cover was up to his hips, damn.

Angel lay there after they’d turned out the lights; dawn was only minutes away but he wasn’t tired at all, he cursed silently and wished he’d been able to find another room. It was hell having her so close by and after what had happened earlier, well hell was nothing in comparison.

He could hear her heart beating strong and steady, far too fast for sleep so he knew she was awake. He heard her sit up and swing her legs off the bed but didn’t look, why bother it would just make the aching worse.

The lamp snapped on and he heard the rustle of clothes, he wondered what the hell she was doing but still wouldn’t look. Not until his own bed dipped with her weight and a warm naked body slipped into bed with him – then he looked!

“Cordelia! what the hell are you doing?” ? He grabbed her arms to stop her from covering his body with hers but he could do nothing about her head.

“Shut up Angel and make love to me” she didn’t give him a chance to reply before she covered his lips with hers and darted her tongue inside to taste him.

He still held her away but she easily slipped inside his mouth and he could do nothing but take it, her warm tongue seemed to flood him, rubbing against his and then sucking and enticing him to fill hers.

His hands clenched and unclenched on her upper arms and his own trembled with a strain that nothing to do with her slight weight. I can’t stand this, he thought and pain squeezed his gut as he dragged his mouth away, She doesn’t know what’s she doing.

“Cordy you have to stop” his voice was gravely with the effort it took to push the words out past the constriction in his throat.

She didn’t listen, heady with the feel of his erection against her hip and she lifted her leg over him – straddling him and rubbing herself against that thick length with smooth rotations of her hips. She arched back as hot streaks of pleasure pierced her loins and spread out in waves all over her body.

Helplessly Angel arched too, her hot wet core bathing his sex with her warm sticky arousal, the scent of it driving him wild with need – I want this –need this! he told his conscience, hating himself for it. She’s out of control and it’ll ruin everything – she’ll blame you!

Rage exploded inside him – caused by pain, need and fear; “Arrghhh” he growled low in his throat and flipped so that she lay underneath him; then he drove a knee between her thighs to keep her loins away from his engorged and throbbing penis.

He pressed her down and glared into her passion glazed face; “Stop this NOW” his voice was hard and edgy, knowing that he couldn’t take much more before his baser side took over – the conscience fading away into nothing more substantial that mist.

Hazily Cordelia realized he was truly fighting this and not just playing games – she glared back at him and spat “Tell me you don’t want me”? She could feel him rock hard at her hip and her hands bunched into fists.

Like before the rage drained away and his head dropped until it rested next to her on the pillow, “You know I do – I can’t hide it”. She felt him twist his head in a desperate denial and felt a moment’s piercing joy at his gruff confession.

“Then stop being a dumbass Angel and take what you want” She whispered, turning her face so that her lips caressed his cheek, she tasted the saltiness on his skin and realized he was crying.

“I can’t” he whispered back not moving his head – “You’ll hate me”. She felt the quivering in his large body and wanted to run her hands over him – soothe him with all the of the love she felt inside; only made stronger by his stubborn protectiveness.

“I’m not a scared eighteen year old – I know what I’m doing” No response and anger crept back in, “Damn you Angel, don’t give me nobility – I don’t want it or need it”. She pushed at his restraining hands and bucked, making him hiss in pain when her hip connected with his groin. Finally he leaned back to look into her face again and saw the stubborn determination and certainty in her face.

“I don’t want to lose you” he admitted his biggest fear to her – unable to hide his emotions from her anymore.

“You won’t, I promise” She met his anguished gaze and saw his dark eyes flicker – he was weakening. “Make love to me – I want to feel you inside me and feel you come”. He shuddered and cursed, feeling every muscle in his body lock as the last vestiges of his conscience fought with the unbearably strong needs of both his needy soul and hungry demon.

He gave it one last try, “I don’t want to hurt you”.

“Then don’t” She answered him simply and lifted her head catching his lips in a sweetly sensual kiss – full of trust and passion. All of a sudden he deepened the kiss and she felt rather than heard him growl, long and low – the sound vibrating through his body and hers.

He lifted his head and looked at her rosy red lips, swollen from the kisses they’d shared that night; he reared back and for one awful moment she thought he was going to refuse them both. Then she saw his face and her breath caught in her throat and eyes widened; no he hadn’t changed his mind – it was made up now, and she shivered at the heat in his moody brown eyes.

His full sculpted lips were drawn back to show gritted teeth – his jaw was locked tight with the strength of the feelings roaring through his entire being – she was going to be his! . Nothing would stop that now – he’d given her the chance to save herself from him and now it was too late.

He sat back on his knees, his erect penis – thick and hard, rose up between them and he saw her look at it compulsively and swallow before her hazel eyes came back up to meet his – that was all he was waiting for. He grasped her thighs in strong fingers and lifted her so that her legs were spread on either side of him; leaving her open and exposed – spread before him wantonly.

His sinful eyes, black with lust feasted on her and he felt his sex swell even more; deliberately he took deep breaths. Expanding his muscular chest as he took in the smell of her arousal – thick in the air between them; tasting it on his tongue and the back of his throat, but it wasn’t enough.

She kept her eyes on his face but even so saw his shoulder muscles bunch and ripple the exact same second that his eyes flashed topaz. It faded until only his pupils were ringed with it and her loins quivered when she felt one long finger trace her entrance. He dipped inside and she moaned, understanding that she wasn’t just giving herself to the souled vampire – but his demon too, wanting it that way with every fibre of her being.

Her inner muscles clamped down on the long callused digit as it thrust into her softly at first but then hard; pushing and kneading a spot inside her that made her writhe – trapped on his impaling finger. He pushed a second into her – stretching her wider and soaking him with her wet sticky juice. Avidly he watched himself pleasure her, saw the soft luscious folds swell and redden, glistening with arousal.

After a while he brought the fingers to his mouth to suck it off, growling in pleasure at the taste and then with inhuman speed he scooted down and put his mouth to her. Taking her clit between his teeth and sucking strongly on it – making her scream at the fiery heat that flamed between her trembling legs.

He lifted her legs and draped them over his broad shoulders and helplessly she clenched her thighs against his dark head, squirming against that tormenting mouth and tongue even as it penetrated her.

He scraped the delicate tissues with his teeth; making her moan and grasp his head with frantic fingers, then soothing her with flicking licks of his tongue – circling her labia and dipping inside to suck at the drenched centre. Until even that wasn’t enough and he had to stab up inside her vagina to force more, draining her – hands clamping on her hips restraining her as she writhed under him.

Oh God, he was practically fucking her with his mouth, she came screaming hoarsely and bucking her hips, working herself over his mouth and chin. He held her tighter refusing to let any of that creamy fluid escape his ravenous mouth.

She lay on the bed, limbs weighted down and unable to move, her breasts quivered with each panting breath and topped with pebble hard nipples – flushed and begging for attention. She hadn’t even realized she been caressing them, squeezing the nipples herself until he pulled her hands away and took one hard nub into his mouth to suckle so hard – prickles of painful heat shot out and made her gasp.

He lifted himself up and straddled her thighs, leaning down to grasp her breasts in both large hands; rubbing the nipples into his palm as his thick penis slipped over the dark patch of hair and between the soft folds of her sex – tightly shut with pressure from his knees.

His tongue plunged into her mouth and she tasted herself on him – cupping his jaw with her hands she opened her mouth wide to take him in. He grabbed her hands and lifted them over head, pressing them down on the sheet – palm to palm. He lifted his head to stare at her face, hips rocking in a shallow plunge between her legs – rubbing himself against her dripping core and nudging her entrance with the broad head.

He could taste her still and growled again, wanting more – wanting to take it all until she had nothing left to give but he also needed to feel her around his sex, squeezing and milking the desperately aching shaft. Frenzied with all the things he wanted to do her – he decided to do them all.

She saw his eyes flash again and her breath hitched and already frantically beating heart picked up a panicked pace. What was he going to do with her, she was beyond being able to stop him.

In one fluid move he flipped her legs from under his and slid a heavily muscled thigh between hers; pushing upwards and raising her knee – doing the same with the other one until she was open wide. Sitting back, he released her hands and cupped her buttocks, lifting her to his throbbing hard length.

His brown topaz ringed eyes were glued to her entrance, mouth full and sensually curved with white teeth biting down as he pushed inside her, groaning deeply as her hot sheath clamped down on him – distressed at the thick intrusion of his sex. He shuddered and held her tighter when she tried to pull back, struggling to take him – he growled and pulled her further onto him, refusing to let her retreat.

Cordy arched her back and dug her heels into the bed, wailing at the hot scrape of his penis inside her vagina – stretching her remorselessly. Her head rocked from side to side and hands clenching on his forearms, but there was no escape – he was too strong and mercilessly determined to possess all of her.

He lifted her even higher and rose up on his knees leaning forward to add his own weight to finally impale her fully – in her to the hilt. He gritted his teeth against the hot surge of painful lust that made his balls tighten and hips buck spasmodically into her hot silky depths.

He could feel her nails dig into his skin and finally heard the moans that gave away her struggle to take him; he lowered her back down and stretched himself over her until she lay underneath him. She could feel him throb and pulse inside her – the angle only a fraction less deep now but it gave some relief and she sighed with a small sob.

He curved his large hands around her face and kissed her, plunging softly inside, slow and deep almost leisurely now that he was inside her, where he wanted to be.

“Ssshhh Baby, it’s OK” he whispered into her mouth before licking the tears that had fallen from her lashes, trailing down to her neck and ears to whisper more soothing nonsense and telling her she was beautiful and he loved her – letting touch and sound soothe her ragged nerves.

He carried on kissing her, his hands sweeping in circling caresses over her neck and shoulder, breasts and thighs. Clever fingers running gently, dipping and swirling over her sensitized skin. He felt her passion build again and her mouth sought his, he made her chase him by dipping from one shoulder to the other until finally he let her seeking mouth catch his.

Her hands ran over his back, kneading the muscles there before resting over his bunched upper arms as her tongue swept up into his waiting mouth to duel tenderly with his. Her hips started to undulate, working herself on his hard invading shaft – loving the feel of him there now she’d adjusted to his size.

“I love you too” she whispered into his ear and kissed the soft spot where his ear joined his neck, nipping gently at the lobe and then biting down on the cord on his neck and making him groan and growl simultaneously in pleasure.

He levered himself off her, certain she wouldn’t try and get away now; looking down at her and feeling fiercely glad to be able to love her. Knowing that after this; she would be the very centre of his existence and determined that even if she changed her mind back in LA – he would change it back.

He braced himself on his arms and raised his hips to start a plunging motion, deep and sure into her core but slow so that she felt every inch of him inside her body – filling her again and then grinding down and making her gasp with the spiraling pleasure.

She raised her legs to his pumping hips wrapping them round him tight, then likewise wrapped her arms around his neck. So close, the surging motions of their entwined bodies meant they constantly rubbed against each other – from hip to head. The friction raising the heat between them. She strained against him – her mouth open and sucking on his jaw and neck, loving the salty taste of his sweat on her lips.

Desperate not to come, he peeled her away from him and pinned her by her shoulders back to the bed; ignoring her protests and promptly changing the pace until he was slamming into her, pistoning hard – in and out between her spread and quaking thighs.

Each thrust would have pushed her up the bed except for his pinning hold and the recoil from the pounding rhythm made her head swim, in mingled fear and heart stopping pleasure. Sweat dripped down from his hair and over his sculpted, handsome face – gone was the tenderness, replaced now with a feral and uncontrolled passion.

God she was so wet and tight; gloving him and squeezing in rhythmic contractions that got tighter and tighter; as she started to come again her body clamped down convulsively on his cock and she screamed his name.

He didn’t slow or reduce the powerful thrusts but rode her through it, her thrashing body inciting him even more until he couldn’t take it anymore and with a growl his fangs elongated and face changed to the vampire. Still reeling in the afterglow of her second orgasm Cordy felt him push her head aside to bare her neck – she guessed why.

She lifted a hand and raised it to cup the back of his strong neck, pulling him down until he nuzzled the tender skin of her neck, licking and raising the blood to the surface. Her veins throbbed with hot blood from the pressure of her orgasms and it drove him wild with need.

He grabbed a knee to push it up and to one side, keeping it there as he plunged his pulsating cock in and out of her dripping sex. The other hand clenched the sheet until it ripped and kept his chest up while with his head bent – his sharp fangs pierced her sweet skin. She felt a stabbing pain and then nothing but a terrible sweet painful pleasure throughout her entire body as he sucked intimately at the blood that oozed from the wounds he’d made.

She started to buck again undone by the sheer erotisism of it and a third – higher and almost painful orgasm rippled and splintered though her body; growling he lowered himself back down to trap her and keep her still; thrusting into her body and sucking at her neck with greedy abandon. Frenzied he rolled over onto his back, taking her with him and wrapping his arms tight across her back – still licking, sucking and fucking her.

Unable to hold it back any longer his back arched off the bed and took her with him as his heels dug into the mangled sheet beneath them; his orgasm exploded out of him as he ejaculated into her.


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