Betrayal. Book Two. 13-14

Part 13

Lilah looked at the report in her hand and the shredder. Wow. She was scared and she almost considered it. She leafed through the pages and pictures again. Who would’ve thought that useless demon snitch would hit pay dirt.

“Interesting reading, wouldn’t you say?” Garfield Manny stood at her door with the identical file in his hand.

Lilah glanced, her smile as perfect as ever. “I see Loocus sent you a copy too.” Lilah hid both her relief that she resisted the impulse to shred the documents and her fear at what they contained.

“It seems the couple of the Armageddon think they found a loop hole to the curse.”

“The Brothel is protected by a no violence spell and the room is enchanted. No Angelus.”

“Spells, enchantments. Lilah, we have the largest staff of witches, shamans, sorcerers in the world. I’m sure that something can be done. Good work putting Loocus on the case. I was wary of your choice at first, his record of giving valuable information is sketchy at best.”

Lilah’s false smile got wider. “Gut feeling.”

“You have good instincts, Lilah, keep me informed.”

Lilah nodded. She swung around in her chair gazing out over the city. She did have good instincts for self-preservation and they were screaming that this was a really bad idea.

But, then so is going against the firm’s goals. She had to find a happy medium that kept her alive.


“Wesley, I think we should tell Angel and Cordy,” Fred said pushing her glasses up as she peered at the computer screen.

“I don’t want to raise their hopes.” He responded his eyes still reading the pages.

“I think their hopes need to be raised.” Fred said. “You said this could work.”

“I won’t know that until I get the book.”

“Well, get the book.”

“It’s very rare, not easily gotten.”

“Do you even know where a copy is?”

“I know where the original is.” Wesley leaned back in his chair.

“Where,” Fred jumped excitedly.

“Wolfram & Hart”

“Oh…” Fred glanced back up. “They have the alternate curse, do they know?”

“Doubtful. The reference I found in Angel’s file was obscure; I only saw it because the gypsies name wasn’t included in the Watcher Diaries’ of the event. The book of Malochav’s life was cataloged in a separate and unrelated field of study. Damn,” Wesley rubbed at his forehead. “I should have taken it while I was there.”

“You did take a lot.” Fred said encouragingly.

“Useless information for the most part, but that….”

“Then we definitely need to tell Angel, if we’re going to steal it.”

Wesley blinked. “Break in Wolfram & Hart to steal a book.”

“Why not, their security kind of sucks. I mean, how many times has Angel been able to get in- alot and that’s only since I’ve been here.”

“True.” Wesley nodded.

“Or maybe you can ask your old skanky bitch of girlfriend.”

Wesley shot up at the disgust in Fred’s tone.

“She wasn’t my girlfriend.”

“Whatever,” Fred concentrated back on her computer screen.


Cordelia forced herself to finish going through the file cabinet. She glanced around the office trying not to stare at the clock. Tick Tock Tick Tock, why couldn’t the damn hands move any faster.

At 8:00 she could legitimately go home, no matter what Wesley was doing. What was he doing? She stared at the closed door; he and Fred had been locked up in there for almost the whole day. Oh well, it least it kept him off her back.

She wanted to go down to the basement and train with Angel, but Gunn was down there cleaning weapons. There was something weird about Gunn and cleaning solutions. Oh well, it was probably for the best, once down there, she would want Angel to help there, then touch her, then kiss her, then…Why didn’t that damn clock move any faster.

She only wasted a minute whining to herself.

Cordelia went back to the file cabinet. 8:00 she would go home, 10:00 Angel would retreat to his room. 10:05 he would be at her apartment. By 10:20 they would be naked in each other’s arm. She could wait.

Cordelia threw down the file in her hand as her whole evening just got screwed.

She strode to Wesley’s office door, banging. “Vision.” she yelled, proceeding to the stairs, grumbling. In a really bizarre way she missed the pain, the pain guaranteed that Angel would be up and running and holding her. “Vision.” she yelled down the steps.

Cordelia barely got to the middle of the lobby, when Angel’s arms came around her, stroking her, studying her face with concern.

“No pain, remember.” She smiled, leaning a little closer.

“Habit, I guess,” Angel pulled her in tighter.

“Ahem.” Wesley said from the doorway.

“I’m going to hit him,” Cordelia whispered as she pulled away.

“Not before I kill him.” Angel whispered back.

“Our evening is screwed.”

“It won’t take long,” he whispered letting her go. “I’ll be quick.”

Cordelia shook her head and turned to everyone that is gathered. “Very mean, very deadly, very ugly with a spiked tail, razor claws and teeth, body armor and yearning to eat every person on the pier.”

Wesley ran to his books at hearing the description, flipping to a page. “This?”

“That be it.” Cordelia shook her head again.

“Oh, Tas-Klars can be very difficult to kill.” Wesley commented.

“Tonight, it will be easy,” Angel grabbed for the book. “It’s got a head, it will come off quickly.” He strode to the weapon’s cabinet and took out his largest broad sword.

Gunn studied the picture. “This bad boy calls for big Bertha, good thing I just cleaned her.” He patted his large two bladed axe affectionately.

Cordelia leaned over to Fred. “Doesn’t that worry you just a little.” She urged to the handsome black man fondling his shiny weapon.

Fred shrugged. “It’s harmless and it makes him happy. You should see how he gets grout out of the shower, sparkling.”

“Handy.” Cordy shook her head.

“Well, shall we go.” Wesley said bared down with his own large axe.

“Okay,” Both Fred and Cordy went to the weapons cabinet.

“You’re not going,” all three men said at once.

Both women swirled and faced the men. “We aren’t?”

The three men backed up at the glares shooting their way.

Angel took a tentative step forward. “Cordy, I know you can fight, I do. You fight very well and can get all glowly which is impressive as well as helpful. But, see, if you’re there I might get worried, because I admit I can be a chauvinistic jerk and well, if I’m worried then it just may take me longer than I want to rip this thing’s head off.”

“That’s so sweet.” Cordy smiled running up to kiss the vampire, yanking at his ear. “And so full of crap, but it is sweet,” she whispered.

Gunn immediately stepped up. “Girl, you are one smart hot mama, gadgets and sharp things galore, very impressive as well as helpful. But, see, if …”

Fred ran up slapping Gunn upside the head. “Shut up, go and be careful.” rolling her eyes.

Gunn stumbled back. “How come it worked for you?” He shot over to the grinning vampire.

“It’s in the delivery and I’m sweet.” Angel whistled towards the door.

Wesley shot a look at the vampire. “Why are you whistling?”

“Because, off too work I go. Shall we?”

Wesley stared at the vampire. “Since when did you get a sense of humor?”

“Since, you lost yours.” Angel walked out.

Wesley turned to stare suspiciously at Cordelia.

“What? You’re blaming his bad jokes on me?”

“Angelus had a sense of humor.”

“He also killed people not big ugly demons. No dead people.” Cordelia huffed.

Wesley considered then left.

“Will he ever give it up?” Cordy yelled to the now empty room except for Fred.

“He is a little anal about the subject, but it will get better,” Fred assured. “Promise.” Fred wanted to tell Cordelia then what Wesley had been working so hard on. But it was Wesley’s work and she wanted him to be the one to tell Angel and Cordy.

Maybe then they would see that Wesley really wasn’t just being a prig but was really trying to help them.

“Sure, is there ice cream? Do you feel like comfort?” Cordelia asked.

“No, but I can always eat ice cream.” Fred nodded.

“Two spoons and a carton, let’s go.” Cordelia headed for the kitchen. She might as well as eat herself into a comfort coma. No matter what Angel hoped, she was pretty confident that their evening plans were screwed.

But, if what she saw in her vision was right, it would be worth it. Still, she needed ice cream.

Part 14

“Damn,” Angel growled as he ducked and dodged the charging demon. This wasn’t going to be as quick as he hoped. The beast’s armor was almost impenetrable.

Every swing of his sword bounced off with barely a mark. Wesley and Gunn’s axes weren’t doing much better. Both men were also ducking and trying to find a weakness. Angel reared back to charge the large demon hoping to take it to the ground.

He winced and flew from the force of the demon’s back swing. Angel slowly crawled up against the wall. Both Wesley and Gunn were also struggling to their feet; Angel could smell their blood flowing before he saw their torn shirts. Angel winced again his own wound.

Okay, he was really pissed. There no way Cordelia would agree to go with him to Anita’s not with this gaping wound or Wesley and Gunn being injured. She would want to baby him, them. He was going to be stuck in the hotel tonight.

The only bright side was he was pretty sure she would ignore any disapproval from Wesley and stay with him. Still, he was more than just pissed at the evil interfering demon. She’d probably make him wait two days at least. Angel growled his frustration and growing rage released his demon, he ran to the other demon, leaping in the air twisting his body to lay a solid double kick straight at the demon’s head.

Angel rolled and twisted jumping back on his feet, hurtling his body again into the demon, plummeting with strong blows causing the demon to teeter unsteadily. Both Wesley and Gun crept closer with their weapons raised. In the same motion, both swung their axes towards the beast. Wesley’s landing slicing the chest and Gunn’s gouging the back. The demon howled at the combined attack. Angel pushed in again with his blade wounding the beast in its stomach, only to be slashed in the back by the demon’s long tail. The lethal tail continued on its path striking Wesley and Gunn leveling them to the ground with its spikes.

The demon stalked towards Angel it’s claws flashing and tail snapping. Angel scrambled to reach for his sword to parry the oncoming blows.

Suddenly the demon lurched back, howling again. Angel limped to his feet, seeing his son land square on the demon’s back Connor’s knife shoved to the hilt in its neck. The demon twirled in circles its claws and tail trying to reach the burden on its back.

“JUMP, CONNOR, NOW,” Angel yelled, his sword out.

Connor shot a look to his father, but did as he said, rolling and swiftly getting to his feet.

Before the Demon had a chance to get its bearings, Angel swung a perfect forceful stroke through the demon’s neck.

Wesley and Gunn scrambled on the ground, their hands on their injuries, to make way for the crashing body.
Angel watched in satisfaction as the head went flying landing in a dumpster.

“Hole in one, man, not bad.” Gunn stumbled to his feet, coughing as he spoke.

Angel called to his son who had started to retreat back into the blackness of the night.

“Connor, you helped kill it, you can help dispose of it.” Angel walked over to the demon and started to hack.

Gunn wobbled over. “Hey, at least the head’s already in the dumpster, that’s the really gross part.” He swung his axe at a limb.

“I truly dislike this part,” Wesley stumbled up to join the rest.

Connor watched it all for about minute. “All I have is my knife.”

“Then carry.” Gunn shoved an arm over to the boy and pointed to the dumpster.

“Why do we have to clean it up,” picking up the arm and tossing it away.

“This world doesn’t do well with dead demons lining the street,” Wesley shoved another limb at the boy.

Angel picked up a leg and swung, his aim sure. “It’s the unglamorous part of being a champion.”

“There’s a glamorous part,” Gunn said picking up the last piece. “Having you been holding out on us?”

Angel looked to Gunn and Wesley, “Are you all right?”

“Dandy,” Wesley winced, holding his wounded torso.

“I’ll live to see another one of the big uglies I’m sure,” Gunn coughed, leaning his arms on his knees.

“Connor, Wesley,” Angel went to help Gunn to the car.

Once Wesley and Gunn were settled in the back seat. Connor looked at Angel. “You’re hurt too.”

Angel wondered at the boy’s tone, he almost sounded concerned, but maybe he was Connor did pretty much save them all. “I’m alright.”

“Because if you’re hurt, I can drive, I’ve been watching people drive. I can do it.”

“Whoa, man, no, whoa,” Gunn leaned up on the back seat. “Super kid, okay, but he can’t drive.”

“I’d have to agree,” Wesley added. “He doesn’t have a license, think of your car Angel.”

“Hell, that, think of us poor injured folk in the back.”

Wesley hit Gunn. “The car has more clout.”

“Right, think of the car, you just got her washed AND waxed.”

Angel stuck his hand in his pocket jingling the keys. Connor had made an effort and Angel really wanted to reach out to him. But his car? “Connor, driving isn’t as easy as beheading a demon or jumping from roof top to roof top, or staking a vampire, it takes a tremendous amount of skill, skill that one must learn under the watchful eye of a teacher and you must start small, with a less complicated automobile. So, no. But, it you really want to learn we can practice using Gunn’s truck.”

“Whoa, did he just call my baby dumb?” Gunn shot a look over to Wesley.

“I believe so. Really, Charles, it isn’t like your truck hasn’t seen better days.”

“I’ll have you know that every dent is a memory and badge of valor. I sold my soul for my baby.”

Wesley jerked towards the black man. “You’re serious.”

“Hey it was a long time ago, I was young and…..”

“And stupid. For a car?”


“I won it back, double or nothing.” Angel added helpfully.

“The truck.”

“No my soul and actually lost, Mr. I know how to gamble cuz I’m really old’- a three, I still can’t believe it.” Gunn shook his head.

“You got your soul didn’t you.” Angel huffed.

“Angel, you gambled your soul.” Wesley asked shocked.

Angel waved away the question. “Jenoff is dead isn’t he?”

“Because of Cordy and her stake and an angry mob.”

“She was pretty great wasn’t she? But it was my plan, she just knew what I was thinking, she can do that you know, amazing and it was my idea for the mob.”

“Not one of his better plans.” Gunn shrugged.

“I’m glad I missed it.”

“No you aren’t.”

Wesley shrugged, the wistfulness in his eyes not completely hidden. ““Can we please go now, I believe I’m starting to bleed on your complicated leather, Angel.”

“What?” Angel quickly got into car. “Connor, in the trunk a blanket. Give it to him.”

Connor was still just staring at the vampire that was his father, Angelus, a hated demon and killer that had over the course of a several minutes seemed neither demon-like nor champion-like. He was more like…. that word that he heard Cordelia use- a dork.

Now he thought he knew what she meant. His father looked odd, definitely not like he just beheaded a demon. He wasn’t even sure what they were talking about, and he really didn’t think that they should be smiling about the possibility of losing souls, but they were. He didn’t really understand but did what he was told.

Connor stood at the side of the car after handing the blanket to Wesley.

“Do you what to come home…. for at least a minute. I think there’s left over pizza, if you’re hungry.” Angel said.

Connor puzzled for another moment and shook his head, turning and running back into the alley.

“Damn. Should of let him drive.” Angel hit the steering wheel.

“No, you did the right thing.” Gunn nodded. “Can’t make up if we’re all wrapped around a telephone pole.”

“Angel, Connor broke just from watching to help, like he did the other night. It’s slow but working, I think. Now, can we go home, I believe my blood is soaking through the blanket.”

“What?” Angel peered into the rearview mirror searching for ruined backseat.

Gunn looked over at Wesley and the clean blanket. “What?”

Wesley rolled his eyes and pointed to the back of Angel’s still stretched neck.

“Right, hey, Angel, I think I’m bleeding on this fine leather, too.”
“No, stop it, use the blanket.” Angel quickly started the car.

Part 15

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