Settling in L.A. 6-7

Chapter 6

The next night Spike and Cordy went to the club. Spike had decided to play the part to get himself noticed and had gone to Lorne to borrow some clothes. What he’d turned up wearing even made Dawn cringe.

He was dressed in a tight fitting pair of dark tan, almost red leather pants, borrowed from one of Lorne’s barman, and a bright pink shirt, borrowed from Lorne. A larger gold and ruby ring adorned his little finger and he’d removed his wedding ring. Cordy gulped at the colourful image he portrayed, and wondered if he knew what he looked like. She had dressed in a black skirt and dark red top and was wearing two-inch sensible heels, for her anyway.

Spike grinned at her, waved to the gang staring open mouthed at him and swung his long black leather duster over the ensemble as they headed towards the car.

They managed to park quite close to the club as it was still early and but had a bit of trouble getting in. The doorman took one look at Spikes pink shirt and said ‘Hey this isn’t a gay club’ and tried to bar the door.

Cordy gave him her hundred-watt smile and replied ‘Don’t worry, he’s not, he only did it for a dare.’ The doorman reluctantly let them pass.

They had already worked out a system of signals and so after one dance with Cordy, Spike headed for the bar while she danced with another guy who had asked her. Spike sat alone at the bar. Cordy danced close to the edge of the floor, never short of partners, but keeping an eagle eye on Spike.

Sure enough after an hour a couple of woman approached Spike and started to chat him up. He was very careful to keep his bright pink cocktail in his hand at all times, after Wesley had said Angel had been drugged. He purposely waved both hands about and talked in an effeminate way, giggling and posing like mad. Cordy could hardly contain her laughter at his antics.

Eventually the woman must have decided he was no good for them and they moved away leaving Spike alone again. After the next track had finished Cordy made her way over to sit beside him and ordered a coke for herself.

Spike kept a surreptitious eye on the woman as they homed in on another apparently lone male.

‘Looks like they’ve netted one’ he said quietly to Cordy as he sipped his drink, ‘do I really have to drink this muck?’

They both watched as the women closed in on another guy and after a while all four rose to leave the club.

Spike put down his drink with relief. ‘Come lets go it looks like we’re in business’ he said, walking to the exit.

Cordy walked out a few minutes later and watched the group getting in to a limo, while Spike went for the Plymouth. He pulled up beside her and they drove off keeping a couple of cars between the limo and themselves.

They followed the car until it pulled up at an imposing set of gates.

‘This must be the place’ said Cory, her hopes rising, ‘Wesley said there were high gates.’

Spike drove further on then turned the car round and drove slowly back past the gates.

‘It says ‘Paradise Exclusive Members Club’ on the pillar’ said Cordy, ‘let’s park up and go for a look.’

They did so and carefully made there way over to the wall.

‘Can you get over, do you want a leg up?’ Spike asked her.

‘No I can manage’ she said and stood concentrating hard managed to float her body up to the top of the wall.

‘Neat trick you’ve got there, Luv’ Spike commented, impressed, jumping up and landing beside her.

They looked up at the building, before dropping down the other side of the wall and making there way to the gates.

Spike stopped suddenly, ‘Peaches was here’ he said ‘I can smell him’

Cordy nearly jumped up and down from excitement, ‘Oh I hope we can get him’ she said.

Spike continued to follow Angel’s scent over to the building, but before they got to the corner, Cordy looked up and spotted Angel in a second floor window.


Arianne came back into Liam’s bedroom to take him to the chairwoman.

Liam pulled himself together and thought he better make a good impression. He was used to woman falling for him, he could wrap them round his fingers if he wanted to. He was ushered into a private office, he looked round this looked more familiar, with heavy oak furniture and dark drapes over the windows.

A large but elegant woman sat behind a desk facing him, she gestured for Arianne to leave and picked up a pen.

‘Right, name, age and occupation?’ she said.

He looked at her; obviously his charm wasn’t going to work on her so he decided to humour her.

‘Liam, 25 and I don’t have an occupation’ he replied.

‘Huh, it says here your name is Angel, that’s what they called you in the bar’ she said ‘how do you support yourself?’

‘If you know why ask, and I live at home?’ he snipped back leaning over the desk ‘why does everyone think I’m called Angel?’

‘Stand up straight when you talk to me, you have terrible posture’ she commanded.

He stood back and scowled at her, she was sounding just like his father. The main reason he tended to stoop was because he was so much taller than his friends and family and it made him a target to get picked on.

‘What year were you born?’ she asked.

‘1727’ he said, deciding the quicker he answered the sooner he’d be out of there.

‘Don’t piss me about’ she snapped, ‘I’ve had enough smart arse talk from you.’

‘No really, I was born in 1727’ he said shocked at her profanities. He wasn’t used to ladies cursing.

She looked at him ‘I see that knock on the head has sent you silly, you better go back to your room and sleep some more, come back when you’re rational’ she rang a bell and dismissed him.

Arianne came up to him ‘how did you get on?’ she asked.

‘She’s weird she wouldn’t believe anything I said’ he replied thoroughly confused.

‘Be careful with her, once I saw her break a persons fingers until he signed something she wanted’ she said.

By then they were back at his room. ‘I’ll leave you for tonight, try and get some rest’ she said.

‘Aren’t you staying with me, I’m frightened of the dark?’ he quipped giving her his best sexy smile.

‘Believe me I’d love to but it’s against the rules’ she replied, looking longingly at his body she remembered how he’d looked when the guards had dragged him in the room and undressed him. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her gently.

She pulled away reluctantly ‘goodnight I’ll see you in the morning’ she said and was gone before he could change her mind for her, locking his door behind her.

Liam went and laid on the bed he didn’t feel at all sleepy, he knew it was about 11pm from the clock in the woman’s office. He was bored, so got up to look out of the window he was amazed to see a lot of lights in the sky, they were moving across it at an even speed. He looked down at the ground he was about 3 floors up he estimated, this must be a tall building he thought. He could make out the figures of some people crouching by the outer wall. He was fed up, he wondered if could get out of the window and somehow climb down to the ground, then he could go and find a tavern. He’d found some strange coins and notes in his pocket and assumed it was the currency of this country.

Liam pushed against the window catch but it appeared to be locked in some way. He listened to see if anyone was coming then wrenched the handle up and broke the catch. He was surprised he had the strength to do it, but all thoughts left him as he pushed the window open and leaned out taking in deep gulps of the scented warm night air. He’d noticed he didn’t seem to have to breathe but it was such an automatic thing for him to do he did so with out thinking.

As he leaned out he could make out two people below him looking up, he ducked back in not wanting to be in trouble before he even got out. He stood quiet waiting for them to move on then he heard it, an urgent whisper.

‘Angel, get your dumb ass out here now’ hissed a female voice.

He realised she must be talking to him, as everyone seemed to think he was called Angel. He wondered who was down there and also why all the women in this strange country seemed to cuss.

He leaned cautiously back out of the window, to see the woman beckoning to him. She looked familiar.

‘I can’t jump that far’ he hissed back, thinking to himself, not unless he had an angry husband after him anyway.

‘Don’t be a dork, get on the sill and jump’ she hissed.

‘Come on you great pouf, stop messing about or we’ll get caught’ another voice spoke.

Liam looked down at the fair haired man, he seemed familiar as well, he decided to go for it and climbed onto the sill and taking another deep breath jumped off.

He was surprised when he landed easily on his feet, he must be getting good he thought, as he straightened up. Suddenly the woman threw herself into his arms and kissed him thoroughly.

‘Oh Angel you had me worried’ she said ‘come on we have to get away.

‘Who….’ he started to say, but before he could say any more she set off dragging him with her, the other man jogging along easily beside them.

‘Come on we can jump the gates’ the man said. Liam looked at him in astonishment.

‘I can’t ‘ he said as he noticed the height of the gates.

‘Of course you can, you can jump higher than me’ said the man.

Liam was confused but on hearing a shout from the building behind them decided to give it a go. He looked at the gates and tried to judge the height he would have to jump as the man set off jumped and cleared the gates easily. He ran up and jumped, he was astonished to find himself clearing the gates with feet to spare.

‘All right no need to show off’ said the man as he turned to wait for the woman who was gentle floating down after her trip over the gate. Liam was totally mystified by now, but didn’t have time to stop as the shouts became louder and the man and woman took off down the street at a run. Liam took a last look back at the gates and ran after the others, he was pleased to find he could keep up easily, he thought he must be running as fast as a horse could gallop, but he didn’t seem to be getting out of breath.

At the end of the street he saw a strange carriage waiting, the man and woman jumped over the side and looked at him expectantly, ‘I suppose you want to drive?’ said the woman.

‘Drive what?’ he asked confused ‘where’s the horse?’

‘Angel get in, what’s the matter with you?’ asked the woman sliding over behind the wheel and starting the engine. Liam was half way over the side when she did this, he tripped and fell the rest of the way in headfirst gasping in shock at the noise from the front of the carriage.

‘Graceful as ever, I see’ said the man.

The vehicle moved off as if by magic, Liam thought as he clung onto the side.

‘What is this beast?’ he asked.

‘It’s your car you dope’ replied the man ‘have you had a blackout or something?’

‘I don’t like your tone, English pig’ said Liam getting fed up with not having his questions answered.

‘Gawd, save us, the bogtrotter’s lost his memory’ said Spike as he looked at Angel.

‘I may be a little confused, but at least I don’t dress like a sodomite’ snipped Liam.

Cordelia turned to Angel taking her eyes of the road, ‘What did they do to you, do you know who I am?’ she asked, then turned back to the road.

‘Nothing I don’t think anyway and no, I don’t know who you are,’ said Liam.

‘I’m Cordelia, your wife’ she said. He looked down at the ring on his finger and at the matching one on hers.

‘W..wife?? W..when did I get married’ he stuttered
‘3 weeks ago’ she replied.

‘Now I know you’re l..lying, ‘ he said ‘I was at home the whole time, having to pay off my last lot of debts.’

Spike was sitting in the back cracking up with laughter.

‘Shut up Spike, it’s not funny’ snapped Cordy. At that Spike just rolled onto the floor and roared even more.

‘Oh you’ve got your work cut out, you’ll have to teach him everything about vampires and he thinks it’s the 18th century, so you’ll have to bring him up to date’ he gasped between laughs. ‘I’m almost sorry we’re going home soon, this would be fun to watch’ he added, still chuckling.

Spike and Liam argued and snipped at each other all the way home, even though Liam kept getting diverted by all the cars, lights and large buildings they were passing.

By the time they got back to the hotel, Cordy was thoroughly fed up with both of them.

‘Come on let’s go inside’ she said as she stopped the engine.

Spike hopped over the side and ran into the hotel leaving Cordy and Angel behind, he couldn’t wait to tell the others the news.

Cordy looked at Angel and said ‘do you really not know who we are?’

‘No, I’ve seen both of you in my dreams but I’m confused about everything, is it 2006 as I was told?’ he asked.

‘Yes it is. Ok, here’s what we’ll do, follow me and I’ll explain when we get to our rooms’ she said, as she opened the door and got out. Liam watched what she did and found the door handle and opened it and climbed out. After a long look round he turned and followed his ‘wife’ into the hotel.

Chapter 7

Cordelia went into the hotel with Liam trailing along beside her, most of the gang were gathered, looking at Angel in amazement after listening to Spike’s garbled tale.

Liam followed Cordy to the stairs. A man came out of a room across the foyer and spoke to him hesitantly ‘Dad? You’re back’ said Connor, but Liam totally ignored him thinking he must be talking to the blond man, until he felt his arm caught and turned to look at a man who looked like him except with shorter hair and dark blue eyes until he remembered his hair was now short as well.

‘Who are you?’ Liam asked.

‘You’re son, Connor’ replied Connor.

Liam looked even more confused. His head was spinning from all the information he was trying to process. ‘I just don’t understand what’s going on’ he said. He noticed that his accent had changed as well, he could hardly understand some of the things he said.

‘Come on follow me I’ll try and fill you in’ said Cordy.

Liam followed her thinking at least she seemed prepared to talk to him and she was easy on the eyes. He watched her hips swaying seductively as she walked up the stairs in front of him.

When they got to a suite she pulled him inside and shut the door.

Cordy sat him down and started to tell him as simply as she could what had happened to him, but after a while noticed his eyes glazing over as he lost concentration. She decided to save it for the morning.

‘Are you hungry?’ she asked.

‘Aye’ he said ‘but I can’t keep anything down’.

‘What did you have?’ she asked

‘Beef and fried potatoes and some raw vegetables’ he replied shuddering at the memory.

Cordy laughed, ‘no wonder you’re ill’ she said as she disappeared into the small kitchen. He heard cupboards opening and after a while something pinged. She came out of the kitchen carrying a mug of something.

‘Try this’ she said ‘it’s warmed how you like it with no added flavours.’

Liam looked at the contents of the mug suspiciously, sniffed it and took a sip. ‘Umm, nice what is it?’ he said.

‘Blood’ she answered.

He stopped drinking and looked at her astonished.

‘Angel you’re a vampire, that’s what they drink’ said Cordy.

He guzzled the rest and looked at her hopefully ‘have you any more?’ he asked.

‘Yes, of course’ and went to get him some, he followed her into the kitchen.

Cordy turned round while the blood was warming and caught him staring at her, he was thinking how attractive she was, he felt renewed and could feel himself stirring at his thoughts, as all the blood he had just drunk headed south.

‘Angel, you’ve got that come to bed look in your eyes’ she said before she could stop herself. Liam smiled at her thinking, it wouldn’t be a bad idea, and he felt much better now after the blood and was always ready to bed a beautiful woman. Even more so if she were his ‘wife’ at least he wouldn’t have any irate husband chasing after him. In fact he was beginning to warm to idea of been married, she certainly knew how to look after him. He took the proffered mug and drank it quickly. Then put it down and turned to her.

He went to her and put his arms round her kissing her gently. She responded immediately by dragging his head down to hers and kissing him passionately, as she felt a hot tingling flow throughout her body.

Cordy wondered if she was doing the right thing, it would be hard for her to sleep with him and not ‘sleep’ with him she realised. It seemed that Angel, in all of his guises did something to her body, as though it recognised its mate and responded accordingly.

Liam pushed her out of the room walking her backwards towards the bed still locked together as if in a dance. He slipped his hands under her top and was pleased to find she was naked underneath when he lifted it over her head. He bent down to take an aching nipple in his cool mouth as his thumb and first finger caressed the other, Cordy groaned at his touch. She got hold of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head. He pulled her to him bare skin meshing as she hugged him and his lips found hers again. After a long passion filled kiss, Cordy broke away when air became an issue for her. She moved her hands round to the front of his leather pants and undid them then pushed them down over his hips, to release his throbbing cock.

Liam sighed with relief as he felt himself freed and again when her hand closed round him, he was having trouble working out how to undo her skirt, as it didn’t seem to have any ties or any obvious means of closure.

Cordy solved the problem by undoing it herself and stepping out of it. She stood in just her thong. He groaned again as he looked at her his desire shining from his eyes as he sat down to undo his boots before sliding her thong down. He sat and admired her wonderful body until he couldn’t wait any longer, and with a groan, kicked his boots off, the socks and jeans soon followed before he pulled her down onto the bed and opened her legs pushing his fingers into her thrilled to find she was ready for him.

Liam climbed on top of her and guided himself into her, the sensation of it nearly finishing him before he started. He got a grip on himself and kissed her with an ardour he didn’t know he possessed.

Cordy locked her legs loosely around his hips as she thrust up to meet him. He knew he wouldn’t hold out long he’d never had such a wonderful experience, mostly in the past he’d stolen a few moments in someone’s barn or a back alley and as soon as he was satisfied had left, not bothering to get undressed at all, of course the style of the clothes made it easy to do this.

He knew he was near and so thrust vigorously into her knowing he couldn’t wait any longer, as he came to a shuddering climax and after a few ragged thrusts collapsed on top of her.

Cordy looked up at him realising that he’d a lot to learn from his future self about pleasuring a woman. She thought back to what she’d read about the 18th century, woman weren’t supposed to enjoy sex and certainly not initiate it. She sighed to herself thinking she’d have to teach him, if this memory loss or whatever had happened to him wasn’t resolved soon.

Liam rolled off her and with another kiss promptly fell asleep beside her. She pulled the covers over them and soon fell asleep, as by now it was the middle of the night.

He awakened early the next morning and was lying studying her, the sheet had slipped in the night exposing her breast tipped with a rosy nipple. He couldn’t resist it as he bent over to kiss and lick it teasing it into a hard peak; she moaned in her sleep and rolled onto her back as she woke up.

‘Morning’ she said and smiled up at him ‘did you sleep well?’

‘Oh yeah, like the dead’ he replied. She laughed at him ‘well seeing as you are dead that’s not surprising.’

He looked at her remembering some of what had been said the previous night, but pushed the thoughts to one side as he felt her hand on his chest caressing him. He was really pleased that she dared to stroke him, most woman he had met didn’t do anything except let him do what he wanted. Her hand moved down and found his rapidly hardening length, stroking him before moving to cup his balls and roll and squeeze them. He looked at her and moved his hand to her other breast then moved down to rest between her legs. He pushed his fingers into her and made to climb on her again but she stopped him.

‘You can do more you know’ she said.

‘What?’ he said ‘show me.’

She moved his hand to over her clit and pushed one finger on it to give him the idea of what she wanted. He looked at her in astonishment as her eyes closed in enjoyment, he hadn’t realised he could do that and give her so much pleasure. He concentrated on what he was doing to her to take his mind off what her hand was doing. She had moved back to his hard shaft, which she was still stroking slowly.

‘In me now Angel’ she gasped as she knew she was close to climaxing. He hastened to oblige and as he sank into her he sighed with joy as he thrust fast and deep. She rose up to met him as she felt her orgasm starting. His eyes opened wide as he felt her muscles contracting around his cock, it was all he needed and with a few ragged thrusts he went over the edge and felt something odd happening to his face.

She looked up at him ‘don’t fight it Angel, just don’t bite me’ she said as they both climaxed together. He felt himself drawn to her throat and wanted to bite her. She pulled his head to her own and kissed him carefully; wary of his fangs, the last thing she wanted was for him to get a taste for human blood. They rolled onto their sides and kissed.

‘That was fantastic’ he breathed as he forced himself to stop panting, an automatic response for him after sex.

After a while his vampire face disappeared without much conscious effort on his part. Cordy was relieved having no idea how to get him to reverse it, and not wanting to ask Spike, which would no doubt bring forth more merriment from the blond vampire. She fell asleep wrapped in his strong arms, wondering what the future held for them.

Chapter 8

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