The End of the World…Again? 2

Part 2

“Spike, get in the back.”

“I don’t want to ride in Peaches’ batmobile!”

“Too bad. I need to fill you in on the mission.” Cordelia shoved Spike into the plymouth and followed him into the backseat. She didn’t want Fred to get too close. Something was off with Spike, aside from the whole vampire with a chip thing.

Angel sped off with the scooby gang and Gunn following in their rented van. He needed to get to Connor as fast as possible and he wanted to get Cordy away from Spike. *Why the hell is she sitting with him!*

Spike turned his annoyed glare to Cordelia. She had been staring at him for awhile and it was beginning to really bug him. “You got somethin’ to say Pet?”

When their eyes connected, she finally figured out what was different. *Wow, Spike with a soul. Who’d have thought?* “How long have you had it?”

Spike started. How could she possibly know? “Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, luv. Tell me about the nest. How many vamps? How many people need rescuein’?”

“How long have you had . . “

“The nest, luv. We’re talkin’ about the nest.”

“Fine” He didn’t want to talk about it and now wasn’t the time to force it. “I saw about 25 vamps. Connor was gonna take them all on himself.”

“What is he crazy?”

“No. He’s . . . he’s more than meets the eye, but he’s not invincible. We stake as many vamps as we can and rescue him. He will NOT be hurt.”

“Why so tense? What’s so special about this bloke?”

“He’s family.” Cordelia fidgeted in her seat for a minute before she quietly added. “Spike, if you go into game face during the fight don’t turn your back on Connor.”

Spike was about to comment when he saw her sad expression.

Angel and Fred remained quiet in the front seat. Neither could argue with Cordy’s warning. The rest of car ride was spent in silence.

They arrived at the abandoned factory in record time. Everyone gathered in the alley behind the building.

Angel warily inspected the building’s size. It was rather large with three floors. He didn’t like the idea of spreading out to search. He wanted to protect Connor but he didn’t want anyone to get hurt. *Well maybe Spike*

As if she was reading his mind, Cordelia gently touched Angel’s shoulder. “I know where it happens. He was in the main room on the second floor. We stick together. Hey, we can totally handle 25 vamps. Noone is gonna get hurt. If there are more, then we get him and get out. OK?”

Angel smiled at her. *I love this woman* “Guys, we’re going in. Stay close together. Spike and I will lead. Buffy, you pull up the rear. And try to move quietly.” The last remark was directed at Xander.

“Hey Deadboy. You seem to forget that I was key guy at graduation,” Xander huffed.

Willow nudged him. “Not now. Shh!”

Buffy was pouting. *Who put Angel and Cordelia in charge. I should be upfront with Angel. I can’t believe the way he’s ignoring me. He said he really missed me when I was dead. He’s probably just focused. As soon as we rescue this guy, he’ll want to spend time with me alone. I’m still his girl. I don’t need Spike – why the hell is Cordy whispering something into Spike’s ear? We don’t need to be that quiet!*

Giles gently prompted Buffy out of her reverie. He needed her to be in full slayer mode. Angel, Spike and Cordelia had already disappeared into the factory. His mind was swirling with questions but someone needed recueing. Everyone needed to focus on the here and now, Buffy included. They were outnumbered. He shot a worried glance at Willow. She was stronger now but when her emotions were out of control, her magic becomes unpredictable.

Fear is a hard emotion to control. She looked okay. She faces vampires often enough on the hellmouth but fear for her friends’ saftey would overwhelm once in awhile. His eyes connected with hers for a moment.

“I’m fine Giles. We have two vampires and a slayer with us. The vamps are as good as staked. I promise I’m in control. OK?”


The group managed to make it to the second floor with few complications. Only two vamps had to be quietly dusted along the way. Angel could hear voices and then he saw him. Connor was creeping along the far wall. He was moving toward the room full of vampires. Before he could reach him, Connor burst into the room and began staking. *What the hell is he thinking!* Angel launched himself into the cloud of dust Connor was creating.

Spike quickly followed. He watched Connor for a moment. He remembered the cheerleader’s warning. The way this kid moved was familiar.

Cordelia watched Angel and Connor fight the vamps. Connor had yet to acknowledge his father’s presence. She couldn’t help being afraid about what he might do when he did. She turned and easily dusted the vampire who charged her. *focus*

By the time Buffy and Gunn made it, half of the vamps were already dust. Gunn charged in right away. Buffy stopped to tell Giles, Willow, Xander and Fred to watch their backs in case more vamps were in the building. She observed the room for a second.

Angel, Cordy and Gunn fought like they choreographed it. Spike seemed to fit right in and the boy, he . . . he was really good. *Who is this kid? What is this kid?* She pushed her thoughts aside and starting fighting. Within moments Angel and Spike were the only vamps not dust.

Connor finally looked at his father. “What are you doing here?”

“Cordy had a vision. What were you thinking taking on all these vamps by yourself?” Angel moved closer. He longed to pull his son into his arms.

“I can take care of myself. I don’t need you!” He pushed Angel aside and walked toward the exit only to be cut off by Cordelia.

“Are you alright?”

“I’m fine.” He tried to move around her but she refused to be avoided. She grabbed his face with both hands and force him to look at her. Blue eyes connected with hazel.

“We were worried about you. Please come home with us.”

He looked into her warm hazel eyes and couldn’t help but relax a bit. What was it about this woman? She made him feel less . . alone. He really hated this world. It was so confusing and so loud. He was tired and lonely. *Please, make it stop*

“Please come home.” She repeated.

He saw the love in her eyes. Noone ever looked at him with such a gentle yet fierce love before. “Will you stay this time?”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“You’ll stay…at the hotel or I could stay with you at your apartment.” He looked over at Angel. He still didn’t trust the vampire. Maybe he didn’t kill Holtz, maybe, but he was still a killer.

“We’ll all stay at the hotel. There are a whole bunch of people I want you to meet.” She gave him a smile before pulling him into a hug. Her smile got brighter as his grip tightened.

Angel watched the woman he loved holding his son. He wished he could wrap his arms around them both, but he didn’t want to scare Connor off. The important thing now is he was coming home. He smiled to himself. Cordy had promised Connor to stay at the hotel as well. *That’s my boy!*

Fred watched Cordy and Connor from the safety of Gunn’s arms. She knew Cordy would bring their family back together. If only they could let Wesley come home too. Maybe once Connor accepts Angel into his heart, Angel might be able to give Wesley another chance. *I want my family whole again!*

The questions in Giles’ mind had now doubled. He looked at Buffy who was looking at Angel who was looking at Cordy. He was beginning to get a headache. “I suggest we all return to the hotel. We still have an apocalypse to research.”

Cordelia blew out a breath. “You’re right. Let’s go. I’m covered in vampire dust and you, young man, need some dinner followed by a good night’s rest.” She grabbed his hand and began walking to the door. Everyone silently followed the pair.

When they reached the cars, she glanced around the group. “Spike why don’t you ride in the van. Gunn will come with us. You guys can follow Angel.”

“Sure thing Pet.” He joined the Sunnydale group beside the van. She heard him mutter “bossy little chit, isn’t she?”

She ushered Fred and Gunn into the backseat and then slid into the front seat between Angel and Connor. They pulled away from the curb. “They’re gonna have a lot of questions when we get back to the hotel.”

Angel grunted his assent. He noticed his son was still holding Cordy’s hand. He couldn’t think of a better mother figure for his son. Atleast he and his son agreed on something. Now if only he would be allowed to play the role of father…and husband. He took an unnecessary breath when Cordy rested her head on his shoulder. “You’ll think of something to tell them, Cor.”

“Me?! No way are you pushing this off on me mister-it-was-a-dark-time. You are gonna explain everything to Buffy and the others.”

“But you’re so much better at these things.” He chose to ignore the snickering coming from the backseat. “I’ll be with you the whole time. Well, I’ll be nearby anyway.”

“Nice try. I’ll tell you what. I’ll handle the I’m part demon now thing. The floating thing has got to be giving them the wiggins.” She gave him a smirk.

“Thanks a lot. Maybe they won’t ask tonight. It’s late and I’m kinda tired. It’s been a long day.”

“This from a creature of the night. Trust me they’re gonna ask. Rupert is probably alphabetizing his questions as we speak.”

“Speaking of Giles, Cor..”

“We’re here!” She interrupted. Some questions were better left unasked. She hurried Connor out of the car. She hooked her arm thru his and rushed into the hotel.

Angel watched them go. He was determined to know why she kissed him hello. *And since WHEN does she call him Rupert?* She was hiding something and he was going to find out what. He was devising a stategy while he followed his family into the hotel.

The Sunnydale group walked into a rather surreal scene. Queen C was talking to this boy, Connor, like she was his mother. *What the hell?*

“Connor go up to your room. Get showered and changed. Angel will have your dinner ready when you come back down.”

“These are the only clothes I have.”

“Don’t worry I went shopping. Your closet and dresser are full. Put on what you like and come eat dinner. Then you, mister, are going to get some sleep.” She gave him a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek.

Connor glanced at Angel and back to Cordy. “He will cook?”

“Yes. Angel makes an amazing omlet. Now go.” She gave him a gentle push.

He looked like he was going to whine but thought better of it. He turned on his heel and went upstairs. He didn’t even look at the unfamiliar faces.

“Angel make him a cheese omlet and toast, please.” Angel started to leave when she called out to him. “Wait. You aren’t hurt or anything are you? I’m sorry I didn’t even ask.” She turned to room. “Is anyone injured?”

Angel gave her a smile. “I’m fine and you were concentrating on Connor. I don’t have a problem with that.”

Cordelia returned his smile and watched him leave. She knew he was excited to be making his son dinner. She turned back to the others. They hadn’t answered her yet. Everyone seemed to be in shock or something. She heard ‘fine’ all around except for Spike.

He seemed to be trying to disappear into a dark corner. “Spike, you’re hurt. Come let me take a look.” Fred handed her the first aid kit from behind the counter and she opened it up on the red couch.

“It’s just a scratch, Pet.”

“Whatever. Get your undead butt over here and let me be the judge of that.”

Spike was taken aback. He usually nursed his own wounds. He sat down on the couch and lifted the front of his shirt. “Scratch my ass.” Cordelia began clearing the wound of debris. Once it was clean she bandaged it. “Anywhere else?”

“My back.”

She lifted the back of his shirt. “Ohh, a matching pair.” She muttered as she continued her gentle ministrations.

Spike didn’t know what to think. It had been a really long time since someone took care of him. He looked up to see everyone staring at them. Buffy had a guarded look on her face. Cordelia noticed the looks they were receiving as she finished. She ignored them and put the kit back together.

“Stay right here.” She put the kit away and popped some blood in the microwave. At the beep she took the mug to Spike. “Here. This should speed up the healing process.”

Spike looked at the mug and then at Cordy. “Can I keep you?”


Both turned at Gunn’s response. She laughed. She knew Gunn didn’t really like having a strange vamp in the hotel. She gave Fred and Gunn a reassuring smile.

“Gunn can you please order some pizzas while Fred and I show our guests to their rooms?” She turned to their guests. “I suggest we hold all questions until after you’re settled.” She silently added ‘or atleast until Angel is in the room’.

She started up the stairs without checking to see if she was being followed.

*OK. Maybe I am a little bossy*

Part 3

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