40 Nights. 4

Part 4

“Where have you been?”

“What part of “I don’t answer to you” is confusing for you, Angel?”

“Cordelia, you have been gone longer than you indicated. You can hardly blame us for worrying.”

“I told you where I was. I had to run a couple of errands afterwards. If you were worried, you should have called my cell phone. Some of us carry ours and actually know how to use them.” She shot a look at Angel. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have some work to do.”

The three men stared at each other debating with their eyes on who should follow her. They jumped as one when she suddenly spoke again.

“I want to know which one of you opened your fat mouth about my marriage from hell.”


“Lorne knew all about it. He wanted to hear the juicy details.”

“Well Lorne is an anagogic..”

“He didn’t read me. He heard about it from the demon grapevine. Which one of you blabbed?”

Wesley glanced around at the confused faces. “The demon priest did escape. Perhaps he spread the news. The demon world in general does pay particular attention to Angel’s life, so to speak.”

“OK. I’ll buy that story.” She stood in front of Angel with her hands firmly placed on her hips. “I want you to know I am NOT your property.”


“There seems to be a popular misconception that I belong to you and I will NOT be referred to as property, especially yours.”

“Cordelia that is hardly Angel’s fault. There are some who take a very misogynistic view on marriage. A woman..”

“No. This goes back further than my marriage from hell and I think Mr. No-one-talks-about-my-seer knows exactly what I’m talking about. Granted I don’t want any of the evil and slimy set talking about me and I really don’t want them ogling me. Eww the thought just gives me the creeps but that doesn’t mean…” Her admission took most of the steam out of her outrage. “I’m not going to yell at you as long as we’re clear, NOT property.” She stormed off before Angel could respond.

“Do you have any idea what she was referring to?”

Angel sat down on the steps. “I may have.. in the past.. encouraged.. the unsavory to treat Cordelia with respect. I was pretty damn reasonable about it too. I didn’t.. encourage everyone. Some of harmless ones… Barney got off with just a glare and Lorne I let his comments slide all the time. It’s just the ones that were more suggestive in their comments that needed to be shown the error of their ways. I didn’t even kill any of them and I did not call her my property. Not exactly. I mean it’s not my fault if they interpreted it that way.”

“Yes well I suppose it would be hypocritical to judge your actions, although I’m still a little fuzzy on the specifics. Gunn and I have been known to be protective as well. Cordelia is a very beautiful woman and tends to attract attention.”

“I doubt there’s a guy out there who’s crazy enough to face us to get to Barbie.”

“Excuse me. I have a delivery for a Miss Cordelia Chase.”

The three men circled the delivery man carrying a vase full of flowers. “Who are those from?”

The man gulped at the menacing tone. “Am I at the right place? Does Cordelia Chase work here?”

“Yes. That’s me.” Cordelia pushed Angel aside. “They’re gorgeous.”

The delivery man handed her the vase and practically sprinted out of the hotel. He didn’t wait for a signature or a tip. He just wanted to get away from the man in black. He could have sworn the guy was growling.

“It’s been so long since anyone sent me flowers.” She buried her nose in the fragrant assortment of wildflowers and roses. She walked back to her desk ignoring the three men trailing behind her. She set the vase on her desk and opened the card

I saw these flowers and thought of your smile.
Brian Jacobs

A large smile spread across her features as she inhaled the wonderful scent again.

“So who are they from?”

She slipped the card into her pocket. “They’re from a friend, Wes.”

“A friend?”

“Yes Gunn. A friend. Would you like me to spell it for you?”

“No. I’ll settle for the guy’s name. You can spell that if you want.”

“He’s a friend and that’s all you need to know.”

“I don’t like it.” Angel stared at the flowers like they were going to sprout tentacles and attack.

“You don’t have to. They’re for me, not you.”

Who is this friend? What do you know about him? Why haven’t Gunn or I met him?”

“Geez guys! Relax. The flowers aren’t evil. They aren’t going to attack. I need to add some water to them.” She grabbed the vase but paused in the doorway. “He’s not evil either. Don’t be so paranoid. Wesley, you’re the one who’s been telling me I’m young and I shouldn’t cut myself off from life. I’m just taking your advice.”

Angel turned accusing eyes to Wesley. “You said she wasn’t seeing anyone.”

“She wasn’t. She isn’t. We would know.” He looked to Gunn for support.

“English is right. We would know if she were datin’. She hasn’t dated in… I don’t think she’s dated since I met her.”

“You mean despite Wesley’s encouragement.”

“Don’t look at me like that. It was sound advice. She is too young to cut herself off from life. I only meant she should go out with friends her own age from time to time. I was dating Virginia and Gunn had his gang. Cordelia spent her free time at home with Dennis. She used to be so vivacious. I know she’s committed to the mission but I didn’t want to see her lose herself. I stand by my advice.” He slammed his glasses down on the desk. “Bloody hell! Who does this man think he is? He hasn’t even introduced himself to us. Why hasn’t she mentioned him sooner?”


Cordelia stood in the kitchen smelling her flowers. It felt good to be noticed by a man again, a man with class. Wesley told her dedication didn’t require isolation. She couldn’t agree at the time. She had let Angel in and he had hurt her badly.

It was too late to keep Wes and Gunn out but she vowed not to let anyone else in. Spending the night with Angel had been confusing. Suddenly the idea of letting someone new into her heart seemed less frightening. With Lorne’s assurance Brian wasn’t evil; the risk didn’t seem so great. She had a feeling that Brian wouldn’t hurt her like Angel had.

He couldn’t. No one would ever get that close to her again. Brian would be safe. He was human, attractive, not evil, not a lawyer and he didn’t have any grudges.

She walked back to her desk with a smile. She placed the vase back on her desk and began filing. Humming while she worked, she was completely oblivious to the three sets of eyes watching her from the office.

Wesley slid the doors shut. “This doesn’t bode well. Someone needs to go out there and question her.” His gaze drifted over to Gunn. “Let me know how it goes.”

“Me? Oh hell no. I value my manly parts too much. You’re the boss. You go talk to her.”

“I am the boss and as such it is my job to delegate duties as I see fit.”

“What about Angel? You’re married to her. You go ask her about this mystery friend.”

“She won’t talk to me about him. I could ask her the time and she’d get defensive.”

“Can you blame her?”

“Gunn, that’s not helping.”

“Sorry man. It’s a reflex.”

“Perhaps I should be the one to ask her.”

“It was your advice that got us into this mess.”

“I hardly think this is my fault, Angel.”

“It looks like you don’t know Cordelia as well as you thought, huh?”

“Look guys. Now is not the time to throw down. Some guy is moving in on Barbie. We don’t know who or what he is. Let’s try to stay focused before Cordy ends up getting hurt or worse.”

~ Ring! ~

The three men pressed their ears to the door to listen to Cordelia answer the phone.

“Angel Investigations, we help the helpless.”

“Hello, may I speak to Cordelia Chase?”

“This is she.”

“Hi. This is Brian. Brian Jacobs.”

“Hi. The flowers are beautiful. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I hope you don’t think it was too forward of me to send them. There is a flower shop right by my office. I saw them and… First the flowers and now I’m calling you, I don’t normally do this.”

“Please don’t apologize. It was very sweet. It’s been a while since someone sent me flowers.”

“In the spirit of thinking I’m not too forward, I was wondering if… I know this is last minute and we only just met. You probably already have plans. You see I have two tickets for a play tonight. I was supposed to go with a friend.”

“A friend?”

“Yes. She’s someone I work with. We went to UCLA together. Her daughter is sick and her husband is away on business. She cancelled on me this morning, not that I blame her. She should be with her daughter. I was just going to give the tickets away. It’s a good play but Jane was the one who wanted to see it. She and her husband have season tickets at the theater. She gave them to me when she cancelled. I don’t want you to think I’m too forward but I thought you might… I could give you both tickets if you’d rather. Like I said, I don’t have my heart set on seeing it. I wouldn’t want you to think..”

“You’ll actually have to ask me before I can start judging you.”

“Oh right. Would you like to attend the play with me? You can have both tickets if..”

“I think I’ll take just the one.”

“Great. Umm I can pick you up at seven or you can meet me at the theater if you’d feel more comfortable that way.”

“Seven will be fine. You can pick me up at the address on the card.”

“Working late?”

“It’s a long story. It’ll give us something to talk about tonight. Although I guess a play isn’t the best place for talking.”

“We could go out for coffee or a late dinner after the show. I’d take you out before but I have to work late.”

“That’s okay after the play would be fine with me. I’m kind of a night owl.”

“OK. I’ll see you tonight at seven.”

“Tonight at seven. Good bye.”


The doors flew open the moment she hung up the phone. “Geez! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

“Who was on the phone?”

Cordelia stood with her hands on her hips. “A friend.”

“The same friend who sent you flowers?”


“Does this friend have a name?”


“Cordelia, please be reasonable. We are concerned for your welfare. How long have you known him?”

“I met him today.”

“What? You can’t go out with a guy you just met. He could be evil. You don’t know anything about him.” Angel gulped at the fire in her eyes but stood tall. “You can’t go.”

“Go? You were listening to my private conversation? Who the hell do you think you are?”

“Someone who isn’t going to stand by and watch you get hurt.”

“What are you saying? You’re the only one who’s allowed to hurt me?”


“Brian is a nice guy and I AM going out with him tonight.”

“Can’t you wait until we’ve had time to investigate him?”

Her expression softened. “It’s not necessary, Wes. He’s a friend of Lorne’s. Lorne has read him. He assured me Brian isn’t evil or a lawyer. Brian doesn’t have any demon spawn or grudges either. The rest I’ll learn from him. I’m not stupid. I was the one who got impregnated. If anyone has learned to be cautious when dating, it’s me.”

“Lorne has read him?”

“Yes. Lorne introduced us.”

“Well that changes everything.”

“We still have to meet him. He is a guy with guy hormones. It’s our job to let him know what’s what.”

“Don’t worry, Gunn. I think I can handle an accountant.”

“An accountant? Perhaps he can make sense of our books. Not that you aren’t doing an excellent job, Cordelia.”

“Nice save, watcher boy.”

“Have you all lost your minds? So Lorne read him? Big deal. He isn’t infallible. He sent me to that swami. Lorne had no idea his bartender would sell me out. I say we can’t trust Ryan.”

“His name is Brian and I didn’t ask for your opinion.”

“Whatever name this guy currently goes by doesn’t matter. He can’t be trusted.”

“You can’t stop me from going out with Brian.”

“Fine. Then I’ll just have to follow you.”

“What? You can’t do that.”

“Why not? You’re not the boss of me.”

“You can’t be serious.” Angel folded his arms, his features remained hard. “You can’t just follow us.”

“Of course I can. I follow things like Ryan all the time.”

Cordelia gritted her teeth. “His name is Brian and he’s not a thing!” He stood tall, his posture imposing. “Tell him he can’t follow me, Wes.”

“I have free time just like you, Cordy. I can spend it any way I see fit.”

“No you can’t and don’t use that posture with me, buddy.” She shook Wesley’s arm. “Tell him he can’t follow me and to stop using that I’ve-got-a-metal-pole-rammed-up-my-butt-don’t-mess-with-me posture!”

“Angel, I think you’re overreacting. We were all concerned for her safety but Lorne has read him.”

“He could be wrong and like Gunn pointed out Ryan is still a guy.”

“Yes but Cordelia prefers men so I don’t think we should prevent her from dating one.”

Angel failed to see the humor in the situation. He didn’t really want to analyze why. He only knew he didn’t think letting Cordelia go out with some guy was a good idea. “I’m not stopping her.”

“You aren’t allowed to follow me. You’re going to scare him off.”

“That would be a shame.”

Her eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. “If I see you tonight, you’re fired. Right Wes?”

“That’s fine. I guess you should enjoy your privacy for the next three months because after that we’ll be linked forever.”

“I bet the bond would be broken if I staked you.”

“Now children I think you’re both overreacting. Brian will be picking you up here at seven. We will decide then.”

“What’s to decide? It’s my life. I can date whoever the hell I want to date.”

“And I can follow if I want.”

“Stop it! Damn! Y’all need to calm down. Lorne said this guy was cool and we’ll be sure to put the fear of… us in him so he won’t be gettin’ any ideas.”

“Gunn is right. We have some time. I’ll make a few phone calls and run a background check on him. Gunn, you can assist me. Angel, why don’t you take the sewers to Caritas and speak to Lorne directly.”

“Guys, this is totally unnecessary.”

“Would you prefer we follow you?”

“Fine but if he dumps me because of your paranoia I’m kicking all your asses.”


“Angelcakes, what brings you to my violence-free sanctuary on this beautiful day?” Lorne quickly moved behind the bar. “We aren’t actually open for business yet.”

“I’m guessing you don’t need to hear me sing to know what’s on my mind.”

“Thank goodness for small favors. What would you like to discuss first?”

“Let’s start with Ryan. What’s his story? What is he? What does he want with Cordelia? And why the hell are you setting her up with men at all?”

“OK. First off I think you already know his name is Brian. He is your average human except he knows about demons. He got chased in here by a vampire and before you ask it was no vamp you know. He’s adjusted well. He grew up in San Francisco so he’s used to the strange and unusual. He isn’t evil and he isn’t a lawyer which I believe Cordelia already told you. As for what he wants, I imagine it’s the same thing every other red blooded… every heterosexual male wants and your seer is quite the hot tamale. But don’t worry he’s not just after her body. He’s a long-haul kind of guy. Nice growl. Congratulations on your nuptials by the way. I imagine an invite was too much to ask for.”

“We didn’t plan for it to happen.”

“So I hear.”

“From who?”

“Everyone is talking about it. A bond like this is pretty big news. Forever is a long time. Of course with Cordelicious, forever wouldn’t seem long enough.”

Angel decided to ignore his comment. “Do you know any other way of annulling the marriage?”

“Do you really want to sever it? And if you do, do you really want to find another way?”

“Why do you answer a question with a question? You know it pisses me off.”

“There is only one way to annul the marriage and two ways to complete it. Now where was I? Oh right question number four. While I was talking to Cordelia, Brian stopped by to pick up my books. I introduced them to be polite and the rest as they say is history.”

“There is no history and there won’t be any either.”

Lorne slid a shot of whiskey towards Angel. “Riddle me this, crumbcake. Why do you care?”


“I’ve already assured you he’s a nice guy. Brian has a good job. He’s stable, kind and a rather good singer to boot. He’s the kind of guy girls are supposed to marry. So again I ask you, why do you care? You should be happy for her.”

“I.. I..”

“You mull over that for a while. I believe you have another question for me.”

“Why did Cordelia come here in the first place? What did she talk to you about?”

“Sorry. That’s between me and brown eyes.”


“Growl my name all you want, sugar. Unless you want me sharing your confidences with her, don’t expect me to share hers. I’m thinkin’ there’s a certain epiphany you don’t want explained in graphic detail, heavy on the ic.”

Angel downed his shot in one gulp. “I can’t lose her.”

“I’m glad you finally figured that out. Now you just need to figure out the rest.”

“What do you mean?”

“Even if she and Brian fell madly in love and made beautiful babies together, it doesn’t mean she would leave you. She can still be your friend and your seer. She can have it all. Don’t you want her to be happy?”


“Then why not give Brian a chance? They would make a handsome couple.”

Angel’s fist clenched shattering the glass.

“I feel another epiphany coming on. You say you want Cordelia to be happy yet you don’t want her dating a rather nice guy. I wonder why that is? You think about that while I get something to clean up this mess.”


Cordelia stared at her reflection. It had been a long time since she’d gotten ready for a date. Wesley and Gunn hadn’t managed to find a single damning piece of information. They finally gave her their support on the stipulation that they get the opportunity to scare him. Gunn had asked if he could hold his axe when he met Brian but she managed to talk him out of it. Deep down, she liked how protective they were of her.

She straightened her dress and touched up her makeup. “You’ve still got it.” She looked forward to seeing Brian’s reaction to her dress almost as much as Angel’s. She could still be a bitch when she wanted to be.


Brian adjusted his collar for the third time. He hadn’t been this nervous since he’d picked up his prom date his senior year of high school. Her prison guard father had been a pussycat compared to Cordelia’s co-workers.

“I’m sure Cordelia will be down shortly.” Wesley shared a smile with Gunn. “I’m glad we had a moment to get to know you. We are both rather fond of OUR Cordelia. We don’t like to see her hurt.”

“Of course. That’s understandable.” Brian rose to his feet at the sound of a door slamming shut. Instead of Cordelia, an even more intimidating man appeared.

“Angel, I was beginning to wonder what happened to you. Did you come across any trouble?”

“No. I had to clear my head.”

“This is Brian Jacobs, Cordelia’s date for the evening. Brian, this is..”

“I’m Angel. I’m Cordelia’s husband.” Angel plastered a fake smile on his face ignoring the three shocked faces. “So where will you be taking my wife this evening?”

“Wife? Umm you mean ex-wife, right?”

“Nope. I’m the current spouse.”

“I don’t think I understand. Cordelia never mentioned being married. She wasn’t wearing a ring. Maybe I should go.”

“If you think that’s best, I won’t stop you.”

“Angel! Mr. Jacobs.. Brian, this isn’t exactly what you’re thinking.”

“So Cordelia isn’t married?”

“Well technically she is married but..”

“What the hell is going on down here?”

“Your husband was..”

“My what? Angel, you are so going to be staked for this.”

“Staked? Angel? Wait a minute. You’re the souled vampire with the girly name who just married his seer.” Brian’s gaze locked with Cordelia’s.

“I was going to explain tonight. It’s not what you think. We went to a cave to stop a ritual. We managed to save the sacrifices, as for stopping the ritual… not so much. Angel and I ended up married. We didn’t plan it. We didn’t even know what was happening until it was over. We are totally annulling it.”

“So you two aren’t..”

“I can’t say hell no strong enough.”

Angel had been stunned into silence. Cordelia looked beautiful but it was what she was wearing that stole his voice. He couldn’t even growl at the girly name comment. She was wearing one of the dresses he had bought her. She was wearing one of the gifts she had found extremely insulting.

She had almost been in tears at his attempt to apologize with expensive gifts. She was wearing something he had picked out for her to go on a date with another man. His voice finally returned. “You are completely unbelievable!”

“Me! You’re the one who..”

He grabbed Cordelia by her arm and dragged her towards the office. “Excuse us for a minute. We need to talk.” He shoved her into the office and slammed the door shut.

“Do you think we should?” Gunn motioned to the office door.

“I think we’d better stay out here.”

“He isn’t going to hurt her, is he?”

“Don’t worry about Barbie. If you want to worry about someone, worry about the vamp. He’s about to get his ass handed to him.”


“I can’t believe you!”

“What the hell is your problem, Angel? Why the hell was Brian referring to you as my husband?”

“No no. You are not getting off that easy. Why are you wearing that dress? You were pissed off when I gave it to you.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “It looks good on me and I wanted something nice to wear. You shouldn’t have tried to buy my forgiveness but it would be a shame to waste the clothes. It’s not like you were going to return them. I’m amazed you went shopping in the first place.”

“That was part of my point. I thought you’d appreciate my effort. I wanted to make you smile. I spent hours at the mall. I carried a picture of you to the show the sales girls so they could help me pick things out.”

Cordelia turned away to hide her smile. “The clothes are gorgeous.” Her hands ran over the red spaghetti strap dress. “It’s been a while since I wore red.”

“You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“Cordy.” Angel’s hands hovered over her shoulders, unsure if he should make contact. He didn’t want to ruin the moment. “Why are you wearing the dress tonight?”

“Mainly to piss you off.” She spun around to face him. Her breath caught in her throat at his proximity. “Why does it bother you that I’m wearing it?”

“I just..” Angel stepped back when the office door opened.

“Cordelia, Brian asked me to let you know that the curtain goes up at eight and the theater is across town.”

“OK. I’m coming.” She waited until Wesley left before sending Angel a small smile. “I’ll be back well before dawn.” When she reached the doorway, she spoke without turning around. “Please let me have this.”

Angel walked out of the office in time to see a smiling Cordelia leave with her date.

“Angel, would you mind telling me what that was all about? You told me over the phone that Lorne didn’t have anything negative to say about Brian. He seems like a perfectly nice man.”

“I know you weren’t around at the time but people said the same thing about Xander, except for the man part. Cordelia was hurt by that perfectly nice boy. He cheated on her and as a bonus she was impaled by a rebar through her stomach. Just because a guy isn’t evil doesn’t mean he should be trusted.”

“I realize Xander hurt her but love isn’t something you can protect a person from. Love is a risk.”

Angel stared at Wesley with disgust. “Cordelia doesn’t even know this guy. She isn’t in love with him.”

“Angel, I know you want Cordelia’s friendship back. Perhaps you should support her instead of being an obstacle. You’re not really her husband.”

“I think I’ll go patrol for a while.”

“Please don’t follow her.”

“I don’t intend to. I feel the need to kill something and I thought you’d prefer I kill something evil.”

“Very well.” Wesley watched Angel grab some weapons and disappear into the night.

“What was up with him?”

“I don’t know. I wonder if the bond is starting to affect him. I was under the impression there wouldn’t be any changes until it was completed. Perhaps I was wrong.”

“Maybe you should hit the books. For a second there I would’ve sworn Angel had the hots for Cordy.”

“I thought the same thing but that’s not possible. Why now? It must be the bond.”

“I hope so. I don’t think he’d be good for her.”

“True but she would be awfully good for him.”

“Barbie would be good for any man.”

“Come on and help me before I start thinking that you’re being affected by the bond as well.”

Part 5

Posted in TBC

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